Garden Planter is a small pot or container used for growing small plants or trees. Garden Planters are stunning outdoor accessories that takes care of your actual garden or outdoor space. Garden Planters provide solution to plant lovers who do not have enough garden space. Garden Planters allow...
American Horticulural Society-Award Winner
Past honorees have been pioneers in print, radio and television. Their names have graced campus buildings and public gardens. For a dairy farmers grandson from Maine, the news that he was to receive the Ameri-can Horticultural Societys 2006 Horticultural Communication Award was the most humbling...
Americas Ancient, Historical Hickory Trees
In 1792, William Bartram reported in his book, Travels, the discovery of a native shagbark hickory nut that he called Juglans exaltata. Today, shagbark hickory is called Carya ovata. Bartram reported that this shagbark hickory grove was cultivated in groves by the Indians west of Augusta,...
Amazing Artemisias
Amazonian moon goddess. Goddess of the hunt. Goddess of the wild things. Goddess of the midwife. Goddess of the herbalist. Mother of all Creatures. Leader of the sacred bitches. Great she-bear. Diana. Selene. Ever Virgin; owned by no man. We will visit her sacred wood on...
All About Riding Lawn Mowers
Most riding lawn mowers are machines fun to ride and extremely cool to look at. However, they are just a dream for many gardeners who can not afford one of these powerful gardening equipment. A riding mower can be a practical time saving machine for professionals as well as for beginner or...
All About Gardening
Gardening is perhaps one of the best hobbies that a more laborious nature lover can take up. The reason why I choose to call this hobby laborious is because it surely does involve a good deal of physical activity. This hobby is not meant for those nature lovers who simply want to bask in the...
All About Foliar Feeding African Violets
What is Foliar Feeding?
Foliar feeding the application of fertilizer to the leaves of plants rather than to the roots. Foliar feeding can be a powerful stimulant to plant growth as leaves take up to 95% of the nutrients in the fertilizer. Root feeding takes up much less.
Algae vs. Lichens In The Garden
What is your opinion on algae and lichens within the garden? Are you trying to discourage them or are you one of the select few who promote their growth. Let me introduce you to these algae and lichens, so you can make an informed decision.
Algae in glasshouses and...
Adding Beauty To Your Garden With An Arbor
Garden arbors are set up as shaded places in home gardens or public parks where one can relax and rest. These open frameworks are typically made of latticework or rustic work, functioning also as a trellis for climbing or creeping plants. Arbors can also be constructed for decks or patios....
Add Style to Your Pergola
Pergolas are a shady, garden structure whose beginnings date back to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, and were common features in early Renaissance gardens throughout Europe. Their primary purpose was to provide shade on walkways, terraces, or pools. The earlier versions were often constructed...
Add Some Magic With Garden Lighting
Anyone who knows me well knows that there is no place I would rather be at the end of a long day than out in my garden enjoying a cup of tea. In the cool fall and spring months, I prefer a cup of hot peppermint tea in my garden, and in the heat of summer I apt for a cup of iced lemon tea. There...
About tree seeds and bonsai seeds ...
About Basic Care of Seeds
It is important to maintain the freshness of the seeds in order to facilitate proper germination. This is why we store all of our seeds in a refrigerator dedicated for this purpose. Therefore, in order to preserve their freshness until you are ready to begin the...