Even Lassie Had Her Moments

Lassie! Now THERES a dog! If you said SIT, Lassie would sit. If you said FETCH, Lassie would fetch. If you said PLAY DEAD, Lassie would just about quit breathing. Why, you could just imagine Lassie bringing you dinner each night, couldnt you? Now THAT was a well-trained dog!!! Guess what? Lassie...

Pets 372 Words

Evaluating Dog Breeders

Before you can determine whether or not a particular dog will be of value to you there are two basic items that must be addressed. One, you must know the breed of dog you want. Are you after a German Shepherd, Bernese Mountain dog, Newfoundland, Yorkshire Terrier or other type? If it’s a...

Pets 685 Words

Essentials for Anyone Who is Considering ...

Essentials for Anyone Who is Considering Adopting a New Puppy

The day you bring a new puppy or dog into your home is a red letter day indeed. It may be an exhausting one for you. It certainly will be for him. This is also one of the most critical moments in your relationship, because...

Pets 272 Words

Essential Oils and Our Pets

Before we talk about using the essential oils, we first should define what is an essential oil in the first place.

An essential oil is a bioavailable nutritive liquid. This liquid is derived from flowers, plants, trees, etc., through a special distillation process. Essential oils (when...

Pets 1185 Words

Essential Guide to Buying The Best Pet ...

All bird lovers listen up!! Do you know how many bird species are there in the world?

Answer: Over 9000 species. And out of which the parrot group itself consists of about 330

species and are particularly popular with pet owners.

If you are also thinking of keeping a pet...

Pets 816 Words

Essential Care Tips For Your Dog

Dogs are loving pets. But caring for them is a bit of hard work. Here are some tips to consider in taking care of your dog:

If you do not have a dog yet, consider the area where your dog can exercise. If you have a big yard where you could exercise or play with your dog, you might want to...

Pets 392 Words

Equine Colic – Would You Know What To ...

“I think your horse has colic.” Words to strike fear into any horse owner’s heart. But what is colic? What signs should you look for?

Colic refers to pain originating in the abdomen. Generally horses do not tolerate abdominal pain very well. So if there is any...

Pets 713 Words

Enjoyable Activities With Your Dog

A dog is more than just a pet. It is a friend one can always count on when things go wrong and no one seems to care. Having a dog for a pet is not just about feeding it and giving it a good home. It also takes maintenance to keep that dog strong and fit.

Spending time with mans best...

Pets 425 Words

Emergency Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners

Tip #1: Get a Pet Emergency Supplies Kit.
Have it readily accessible and make sure it consists of at least the following items:

* Pet first aid kit that will cover your pets emergency medical needs. If your pets take any medications, add some extra supplies.
* Food (in water...

Pets 358 Words

Eliminating Problem Dog Behaviors Jumping ...

Every dog owner must eventually deal with some unwanted behaviors on the part of their four legged companions. Some of the most frequently encountered training problems with puppies and dogs alike are jumping on people and performing those amazing feats of escape.

Jumping up on people...

Pets 671 Words


One of the most annoying things about pet dogs is their habit of answering to calls of nature almost anywhere they feel like it. Your bedroom rug, the drawing room sofa, your Persian carpet; everything seems as good a place as any for your little pup to go cool his bladders on.

If you...

Pets 579 Words

Effective Pet Classifieds Advertising Tips

According to Jupiter Research, by 2007, Online Classified Advertising will reach 3.5 Billion Dollars annually. Pet classifieds are expected to triple in numbers every year as more and more Internet users seek classified listings online for their pet needs. Pet and pet services classifieds online...

Pets 664 Words