Dogs: Mans Best Friend Or Best Meal?

While Americans are at home treating their dogs as part of the family, in some portions of the world, dogs are caged, beat, killed and cooked. Are they made to be both pets and menus?

In some countries like Korea, the Philippines and Vietnam, dog meat eating is common. Opposite to what is...

Pets 574 Words

Dogs, Cats, And Horses We Love Them All!

We have a long history with domesticated animals and even the nay Sayers cant deny their roll in society past and present.

There is evidence that as long as 10,000 years ago the Native Americans had domesticated dogs as depicted in early rock paintings. Apparently, the dogs in the...

Pets 605 Words

Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. ...

Doggy Dental Care Tops List Of Most. Frequently Diagnosed Health Problems

Do you consider yourself a good dog owner? Is Fido not only the happiest pup on the block, but also the healthiest?

There are nearly 44 million U.S. households that own approximately 74 million dogs....

Pets 346 Words

Doggie Hygiene

Washing your dog is important, but not as important as some people think. Healthy dogs actually dont need to be washed all that often, but humans prefer to bathe them so that they have a more pleasing smell and appearance. Doggie bath time is a good time to spend with the dog, however. Although...

Pets 524 Words

Doggie Food: Tips On Good Nutrition for ...

Doggie Food: Tips On Good Nutrition for Your Dog

If you have a dog of your own you will know that a full tummy doesn’t nearly cover the whole process of deciding which dog food to buy.

Your dog is your best friend, you will want him to live the fullest, happiest life that...

Pets 476 Words

Doggie Dynamics: Potty Training Your Pooch

If you’re thinking about adding a member to your family, you’ll also want to consider that, that means having one more mouth to feed, and someone else to clean up after. And, this is especially true if you’re considering a pet.

According to experts its imperative to...

Pets 368 Words

Dog Worms: Understand Dog Worms Symptoms and ...

Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in...

Pets 703 Words

Dog Worming

Regular worming is essential to protect your dog against internal parasites. This involves giving it preparations in liquid or tablet form. Adult dogs should be wormed at least once a year, and at least once every six months if in contact with children. Dogs showing any signs of infection should...

Pets 327 Words

Dog Tricks: Understanding Your Dog’s ...

Dog Tricks: Understanding Your Dog’s Capabilities Before You Teach Buddy New Tricks

The performing of dog tricks, while not a necessary part of a dogs education, is an accomplishment that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of...

Pets 560 Words

Dog Trick To Cure A Nuisance Barker: ...

Dog Trick To Cure A Nuisance Barker: Training Buddy to ‘Speak’ on Command

All breeds and sizes of dogs can be taught easily to speak, and the way to go about it is to call your dog, show him a treat and say Speak. He will not understand what you mean and will probably at first...

Pets 604 Words

Dog Treats: Should You Use Them In Dog ...

There’s always been some controversy over whether you should give treats (i.e. dog biscuits or MilkBones) when you are training a dog. There are advantages and disadvantages to giving treats to a dog when you are training him. This article will hopefully clear up any confusion you might...

Pets 431 Words

Dog Treat

Dogs are a member of the family in most homes. This means they are rewarded for good behavior with dog treats. But that is not enough. Remember to praise the dog as you give the treat so it associates the praise with food. Use dog treats to reinforce or teach good behavior.

Dog treats can...

Pets 309 Words