Dog Training With A Training Collar Or Choke ...

There are a variety of names that go under the broad heading of training collar. Some of them are — choke collar, choke chain, training collar, correction collar and slip collar. These are all training collars and are used by professionals and amateur trainers alike.


Pets 602 Words

Dog Training With A Head Collar

The head collar has become an increasingly popular dog training tool in the past couple of years. Two of the most well known brands of head collar on the market are the Gentle Leader and the Halti, but there are many other brands that incorporate the basic head collar concept.


Pets 605 Words

Dog Training Using the Reward Training Method

While reward training is commonly viewed as the most current style of dog training, it is actually a lot older than most other methods of dog training. It is likely that the reward training method has been in use since dogs were domesticated thousands of years ago. Early humans likely used...

Pets 649 Words

Dog Training Treats Spoiling That Cute ...

Do you ever wonder how much a dog can really taste? Does it really matter whether you get him the beef liver treats or the turkey liver treats? Isnt it all just the same in the end anyway? How much can the dog really tell the difference?

Anyone who has a dog knows they will eat just...

Pets 347 Words

Dog Training Tips that Work!

In dog training, the most simple acts often produce the best results. In any dog pack, the alpha sets the rules and the rest follow. Therefore, by establishing yourself as the alpha, you can be sure that your obedience training sessions will be that much more productive. The following is a list...

Pets 549 Words

Dog Training Tips: Things I’ve Learned ...

Dog Training Tips: Things I’ve Learned About Agility Dog Training

I’ve owned many dogs, throughout my life, but have never known exactly how to train them properly. I based my training on punishment and just couldn’t figure out why that didn’t work that well. ...

Pets 665 Words

Dog Training Tips

Considered man’s best friend, dog training professionals have been disseminating more knowledge on how to make this animal live up to that title.

Here are tips that one should keep in mind in training his dog more easily.

Digging Behavior

Dogs, as social beings,...

Pets 430 Words

Dog Training Tip Do This And Reach Success!

First and foremost the most important thing that can be mentioned as a dog training tip is patience. It is of course very easy to become frustrated and want to give up on your dog, as you yell at them for the 10th time for going to the bathroom in the house. However there are many things that...

Pets 308 Words

Dog Training Secrets

Every dog and every dog owner has his or her own unique dog training challenges. Each breed of dog has a different temperament as does each individual dog. And dog owners are no different. Despite the differences, there are some basic things in common for training all dogs.

No matter...

Pets 588 Words

Dog Training Schools Foolproof Choices

Okay the time has come. The puppy you have cherished for the past few months is ready to go to school. Where do you send him/her? Which establishment can be trusted? You want a school sensitive to your puppys needs as he/she begins the long and arduous task of learning to interpret you...

Pets 275 Words

Dog Training Part V: The Command Voice

When giving commands to a dog, a calm, firm, authoritative voice is most effective. Dogs do not respond well to hesitant, pleading voices, nor to yelling, which might sound to the dog like threatening barking or scolding. It is also important that the word used for the command and the pitch of...

Pets 350 Words

Dog Training part IV – Reward and ...

Most training revolves around giving the dog consequences for his behaviour, in the hope of influencing the behaviour the dog will exhibit in the future. Operant conditioning defines four types of consequences:

Positive reinforcement adds something to the situation to increase the chance...

Pets 781 Words