Could Your Dog Have Anemia?

What is anemia? It is a serious condition caused by red blood cell loss. Lack of iron in the diet is usually the culprit. However with animals, anemia is usually caused by parasitic worms or fleas that feed on blood and tissues. On occasion, it can also be caused by a toxicity from exposure to...

Pets 469 Words

Could Your Dog Be a Sports Star?

Dogs were traditionally working animals. They would have expected to be active all day, every day. However, in these modern days a dog’s life can often be confined to indoors and with very few physical activities.

Dogs are animals that need exercise on a regular basis; in fact it...

Pets 627 Words

Could Your Dog Have Whipworm? How To Detect ...

Could Your Dog Have Whipworm? How To Detect And Treat Whipworm In Your Dog

When it comes to keeping your canine companion healthy both inside and out, it’s important for owners to know which parasites see your dog as the perfect host.

One of the lesser-known parasites that...

Pets 488 Words

Could A Homemade Diet Be Best for Your Dog?

A good formula for a homemade diet is one half cereal, rice, or kibbles, and one half meat, including its natural fat, with green or yellow vegetables added from time to time. Since they can be made to measure for each individual dog, these combinations would be ideal if they weren’t to...

Pets 458 Words

Correct any kind of upsetting behavior with ...

Correct any kind of upsetting behavior with dog training collars

Using a dog training collar is an efficient and safe way to correct your dogs unpleasant behavior. There are several types of dog training collars on the market, but they all operate according to the same system. The dogs...

Pets 558 Words

Coping with the loss of a pet.

I run an online pet memorial web site and as you can imagine I come into contact with many people who have lost a much loved pet or animal companion.

Looking through the memorial web sites that pet owners create when a beloved pet passes away has shown my that there are a number of ways...

Pets 566 Words

Cooling Pet Beds, Therapeutic Solutions For ...

Cooling Pet Beds, Therapeutic Solutions For Those Hot Summer Months

A cooling pet bed may be just what the vet ordered for your furry friend. It can be very helpful and bring much relief, especially if your cat or dog suffers from bad joints, hips or one of many skin conditions affecting...

Pets 250 Words

Considering Getting A Dog?

I have been a pet owner nearly all of my life and a veterinarian for almost half of my life, so I have seen my fair share of animals and animal owners. One of the biggest things I hate is to see people jump into the decision of buying a dog without taking time to think through the decision. When...

Pets 427 Words

Considerations in What You Feed Your Pug

When you own a Pug one of your biggest concerns will be how to feed your Pug. Ensuring a healthy diet for your Pug can be a challenge. Each breed has its own special dietary requirements. Because he Pug has a tendency to overeat its essential to monitor his/her diet closely.

Many Pug...

Pets 453 Words

Consideration in Choosing a Pet Sitter

If you own a pet chances are you might be faced with the need for someone reliable to look after your pet.

Pet sitters care for your pet just a babysitter cares for your child while you are gone. Pet sitters do much more than just providing food and water. A good pet sitter will look...

Pets 645 Words

Consider All Factors: Choosing the Family ...

There are generally three ways to select the family dog:

-Many people select the family dog based on their experiences with dogs from their past. They may have a fond memory of a dog once owned by someone they knew or of a family dog owned by their family when they were children, and...

Pets 880 Words

Common Dog Diseases, Illnesses and Conditions

Like all pet animals, dogs too are prone to lots of diseases. To keep the dogs free from the diseases, they should be understood first and accordingly treated well with the assistance of the veterinarian. Some of the common dog diseases are discussed below:

Rabies: Rabies is a very...

Pets 531 Words