How To Get eBay Coupons.

You have to be very lucky to be one of the chosen few who receive an eBay coupon by email. These coupons are just like cash that you can use towards anything you buy on eBay the only conditions being that you pay using PayPal, and that you are using eBay in the USA, Canada or the...

Auctions 501 Words

How To Dispute Unfair Ratings On Ebay.

So youve done everything you can to keep your buyers happy but still someones left you negative feedback! You dont think its fair, either because you fixed the buyers problem, or they never gave you a fair chance to fix it. What can you do?


Tell the buyer that you...

Auctions 504 Words

How To Determine Whats Really Selling On ...

If you want to make the most money you can on eBay, then you need to know what sells. But how can you find that out?

The Manual Way.

If youre just starting out, you might find it easier to simply go to your category, tick Completed listings in the left-hand menu, and then click the...

Auctions 495 Words

How To Detect An Ebay Scam

If this is the case, then it’s time for the buyer’s warning signal to go red alert because if things on E-bay seemed to good to be true, it probably is and may not even be worth the buyer’s time and money.

There are lots of frauds and scams going on in the Internet today...

Auctions 385 Words

How To Choose The Right Ebay Product ...

Some people think its easy to choose the right eBay category, and often it is. Sometimes, though, it might not be quite clear exactly what to go for.

Why is it Even Important?

Plenty of people use the category system to find items, when theyre not looking for something specific. If...

Auctions 501 Words

How To Check An Ebay Sellers Reputation (And ...

How To Check An Ebay Sellers Reputation (And Why You Should Do It).

When you buy something from an eBay seller, you are giving them your money and hoping that you will get something in return. However many guarantees of safety eBay might make to you, nothing is certain: if you just give...

Auctions 509 Words

How To Cash In on Weird Auctions on eBay

Until recently, online auction sites such as eBay have been the usual marketplace for bargain hunters and thrift shoppers looking for cheap used or surplus products. But a new breed of sellers are now coming up with very unusual auctions on eBay.

Encouraged in part by the recent purchase...

Auctions 536 Words

How To Buy A Motorcycle On Ebay

If you want to buy a motorcycle or accessories then the eBay motorcycle section is the perfect place to look. You should look for eBay motorcycle listings of interest by taking advantage of the browse and search features. You can specify the make, model, year range and even color for your search...

Auctions 398 Words

How To Become An eBay Sniper.

If you bid for a few things on eBay, the chances are that sooner or later youll end up getting your bid beaten at the very last second by a sniper. This can be a frustrating experience, and while in theory sniping is against the rules and you can report it to eBay, in practice they never do...

Auctions 516 Words

How To Avoid Being A Victim Of Ebay Buyers ...

How To Avoid Being A Victim Of Ebay Buyers Fraud.

From everything youve heard about the risk of fraud on eBay, you might think its only buyers getting scammed but you couldnt be more wrong. Here are a few common scams that sellers fall for every day.

The Rubber Cheque.


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How To Add Unlimited Pictures To Your Ebay ...

How To Add Unlimited Pictures To Your Ebay Auction Listing For Free.

I get a lot of questions from people wanting to know how to add more pictures to their auction listings. Do you know that eBay charges for additional pictures? Yes, thats right. Pay attention when you launch your next...

Auctions 750 Words

How much do you know about Online Auctions?

Online auctions are a great way to find a bargain on almost everything and it is an excellent way of getting the best price for selling something of your own. These are Virtual auctions on the Internet. The seller sells the product to the person who offers the highest price. These products...

Auctions 647 Words