Capture the Most Appropriate and Needed eBay ...

For eBay sellers, selling on eBay was a great novelty and was really fun, for a while. However, once the administration and maintenance began to pile up, nothing is ever the same. The absence of eBay selling software that organizes such things seem so faraway, then. It seems that you’ll be...

Auctions 745 Words

Buying E-books On E-bay: E-bay The One-stop ...

On September 1995, one of the most prestigious online shopping sites was founded. eBay is unique because it allows online shoppers, either as individuals or as a group, a wide variety of merchandise that they can buy, sell or trade within their community, their nation or even other with other...

Auctions 367 Words

Buying and Selling Tips for Ebay

When it comes to obtaining merchandise for the best possible price you can’t beat the prices at your favorite auction. Exactly the reason the world wide web has supplied us with an abundance of auction sites with Ebay being the Grandaddy of them all. These sites offer goods and services at...

Auctions 580 Words

Brandon Dupsky Makes $22,000 A Day On Ebay

These days its not easy to make money online. But I will talk about one of the easiest way to make money online is to start selling on eBay. eBay makes getting your new business started a snap. You can literally have your first moneymaking auction listed in the space of an hour. Absolutely...

Auctions 500 Words

Boost E-Bay Profits With Web Audio

Can you boost profits significantly by adding audio to your E-Bay auctions? According to a recent article on a net business site the answer is a definite yes. In fact, one e-book author suggested that adding audio to your auctions could potentially increase bids by as much as 22% over auctions...

Auctions 474 Words

Big Profits Selling Old Typewriters on eBay

Because they’re bulky, often dirty, need lots of careful cleaning and sometimes repairs, most typewriters, old and modern, are overlooked and fetched low prices at local offline auction houses.

Despite this, anyone prepared to spend time cleaning, researching, repairing and...

Auctions 824 Words

Bidding And Buying On EBay: Bonus Or Bogus?

You’re undoubtedly heard about people getting great deals on items they bought through eBay. If you’re a bit envious and ready to try your hand, here’s your chance to learn more.

Exactly What Is An eBay?

It’s an online auction website, in fact the biggest...

Auctions 459 Words

Beware, There Are A Lot Of Crooks On Ebay

I hope you have not had a negative experience on ebay. I was very much enjoying the site until one day, some freak tried to steal nearly 200 from selling me an item which did not exist. This article explains what happened and also the advice the police gave to me.

As I have already...

Auctions 504 Words

Better Bargains Than eBay?

Have you ever wondered how people that sell products on eBay are able to market products there and make money?

The first thing you have to do is look for quality items, because nothing will kill your business faster than inferior products when marketing on eBay. But even if you are...

Auctions 350 Words

Benefits of Collective Shopping

You may be wondering to yourselfCollective shopping, what the heck is that? Really, theres not too much to it. Collective shopping is simply shopping smarter, that is shopping in places that you can compare prices.

Everyone knows that if you look hard enough, you will find good deals...

Auctions 237 Words

Becoming An eBay Power Seller

Most people think of eBay as a place where they can change some of their old junk into cash, gaining some money from what otherwise might have ended up taking a trip to the dump. There are those, however, who have recognized the money making potential of eBay and brought it to a whole new level:...

Auctions 500 Words

Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Ebay

EBay has opened up a whole new world in terms of monetary gain and the elimination of household clutter. Time was that if you found that your house was simply getting too crowded, the day when the attic door just refused to open over your head or the garage was just too stuffed to fit your...

Auctions 540 Words