All About Online Auctions

How to make Auctioning a Profitable Business

It wouldn’t be exaggeration to say that hundreds of thousands of people from across the world visit buy and sell myriad products on auction sites. One popular site has a market share of 76%, reports 42.7 million users recording a growth...

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Advantages of the Online Auction Business ...

Online auctions have become a popular way for many people to make money. The online auction business model includes one party that sells products and services, while another party bids to purchase them.

There a number of advantages of this online auction business model. A few of them...

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A Toolkit to Get Started Selling on eBay

If you want to sell seriously on eBay (or another online auction site), i.e. do more than get rid of the junk cluttering up your garage or attic, you will find that the following items can really help your business, no matter what you are selling. It is assumed that you own a computer with an...

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A Seller’s Dash For Cash

Today, eBay is considered to be one of the most lucrative auction sites available in the Internet.

However, selling on eBay is not that easy, and the very first thing a seller should do is to find the ways on how he or she will get paid once the item is sold. And so, here are the...

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A new part of eBay: eBay Express

In January 2006, eBay announced the creation of a new specialty service called eBay Express. Here are some of the highlights of this upcoming venture, according to eBay e-mails and its own website:

1. The description of eBay Express emphasizes new merchandise. eBay obviously wants to...

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A Look At Third Party Ebay Tools.

There are plenty of companies out there offering third party eBay tools. Most of them are web-based instead of downloadable, so you pay a monthly fee instead of just buying the software. But do you know what these sites can do for you? It can be hard to get to grips with whats out there using a...

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A Beginners Guide To The Different Ebay ...

Over the years, eBay has introduced all sorts of different auction types, in an effort to give people more options when they buy and sell their things on eBay.

For every seller who doesnt like the idea that their item might sell for a far lower price than they intend, theres another who...

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12 Easy Ways to Maximize Your eBay Product ...

Its a fact. Clear, high-quality photos will greatly enhance your chances of selling your products on eBay. Here are 12 simple tips that will help you make the most of your eBay product photos.

1. You dont need an expensive, high-resolution digital camera for your eBay photos. You just...

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10 Ways To Save Time And Money With Packing ...

10 Ways To Save Time And Money With Packing And Shipping On Ebay

One problem with eBay is that unless you are careful you can end up spending far too much time on routine tasks such as packing and shipping. Not only is there the time spent wrapping the items, but also when you take them...

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10 Ways To Avoid Being Ripped Off On eBay.

It is important to remember that eBay is a lot like a marketplace. There will always be a dodgy guy in the corner, selling things that most people wouldnt touch. The trouble is that, on the Internet, these people can be a little harder to spot. Here are ten tips to help you keep an eye out for...

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10 Tips For Increasing Your Ebay Response.

So youve got the buyer in front of your auction, and theyve read the description. Theyre must be interested, or they wouldnt be looking but just how can you push them over that line and make them leave a bid? Read on for some tips.

Improve your picture: In all that description writing,...

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10 Tips For Being A Better Seller.

If youve got this far, youve got the basics of eBay. There are a few things left, though, that you might not have thought of trying. Quite a few of these tips go against the advice many give for eBay selling some are a little risky and some are just odd. Theyre all worth a try, though, and Im...

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