What Home Business Systems Can Do For You

The dynamic home based entreprenuer is constantly on the lookout for anything and everything that can increase their profitability. This is as it should be. Any type of business which does not strive for excellence can soon expect to be overshadowed in our increasingly competative world by those...

Web Hosting 508 Words

Site Promotion And Social Networking

There was bound to be a mechanism the blended so many site promotion tools into one package and now its here. The advent of sites like myspace has allowed the blending of blogs with forums and instant messaging mechanisms that take a more comprehensive approach to site...

Web Hosting 436 Words

Punished By Rewards

I read Alphie Kohn’s book, Punished by Rewards, and was surprised by how much research there is out there that supports the concepts of Choice Theory and Empowered Leadership. I wasn’t surprised the research supported Choice Theory and Empowered Leadership, but I was surprised by how...

Web Hosting 758 Words


(Internet Control Message Protocol) is an Internet protocol that is focused on the control of messages and the reporting of errors. In design, ICMP is configured to provide these functions as a mediator between a gateway and a host server. The presence of ICMP helps to protect the integrity of...

Internet Business 355 Words

How To Create A Marvelous Business ...

How To Create A Marvelous Business Opportunity From An Affiliate Program

If you are creating an affiliate program to improve the performance of your company in the Internet, you have to make sure that youre offering your future affiliates the best tools to make their jobs easier. If you...

Web Hosting 719 Words

Making Targeted Traffic Work for You

There has been a lot of debate in other articles, forums, and books regarding sending targeted traffic to your website. Some sing its praises but many webmasters dismiss targeted traffic as a waste of money. They argue that CPC (cost per click) or paid banner/text link advertising is a better...

Site Promotion 643 Words

How To Select Womens Shoes

A husband-to-be is faced with a predicament that he did not think he would have to face for some years. His future Bride has given him as assignment that is very important and she does not want to take the chance of someone else messing it up. She would like to find her a pair of shoes that she...

Web Hosting 426 Words

Affiliate Marketing – Make your Living ...

Affiliate marketing’s been a staple of the internet marketing scene for many years now. It’s highly touted as a money maker for newbies and experienced marketers alike. But does it really pay to be an affiliate marketer? Let’s take a look to learn more…


Affiliate Programs 458 Words

What is Error 403?

We get the 403 Forbidden HTTP error when the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server does not let the client access the required data.

In plain English, it roughly translates to You don’t have the required permission to access this. The web server gives this...

Internet Business 114 Words

Affiliate Marketing: How To Smash The Glass ...

Most affiliate marketers unconsciously create an invisible glass ceiling that curtails the growth of their own affiliate business. They do this by failing to create a substantial, positive profile on the Internet.

Are you reluctant to stand out from the crowd? Do you feel more comfortable...

Affiliate Programs 523 Words

Linking Strategies Myth busted

Since Googles Jagger update, during 2005, the internet has become a fermenting ground for pundits advising us on how and why we are going to be penalised by Google if we continue using tried and tested techniques that previously worked well.

Most of this advice is pure mythology. So, it...

Site Promotion 680 Words

What Is Drywall?

Drywall (also called wallboard, gypsum board, and plasterboard) is an economical building material usually used to face walls and ceiling inside structures. Composed primarily of gypsum rock stretched out in a flat sheet between two pieces of thin board (or heavy paper, as some say), drywall is...

Internet Business 328 Words