Fun With Customizing Your Silicone Bracelets ...

Fun With Customizing Your Silicone Bracelets – Colors, Patterns, Message, Style!

Do you want to be apart from the rest? Do you want to try something new? Then you may want to try to customize your own rubber silicone bracelets. There are so many companies out there, especially...

Web Hosting 342 Words

Create Your Three Letter Autoresponder ...

A woman told me this week, “Your advertising is wasted if you dont follow-up on your leads.” Her solution is to use a multiple autoresponder that sends her prospects a new sales message very few days.

People need to see your ad message several times before they buy. Those who...

Email Marketing 551 Words

The Way To Succeed In A Home Business

Without getting into the specifics of what you can do to build a home business from scratch, in this article we will focus more on whether or not you have the inherent traits and personality to make a success out of your home business. If you can come up with a good idea and have a hook, or a...

Web Hosting 507 Words

Top 10 Viral Marketing Mistakes

1. Failing to understand how to make a marketing piece viral

Often people create what they call a viral marketing piece when it is nothing more than a brochure and an advertisement. It is way too self serving. It has no possibility of creating buzz. While there is no guaranteed...

Internet Marketing 1044 Words

Search Engine Optimisation Pitfalls

On page factors – Is your website search engine friendly?

So you have a website but where is it on Google? Have you fallen foul of a penalty or have you overlooked one of the many common search engine optimisation pitfalls when designing your site?

Understanding what works...

SEO 765 Words

Top 2 Essentials for Successful Internet ...

You want to be successful in internet marketing, right? Then read along to find out the 2 MOST important things you need to have success online.

The most important thing to remember when you first begin internet marketing is to build a list. What I mean when I say this is you must have...

Internet Marketing 398 Words

Driving Traffic To Your Website Using ...

Driving traffic to your website using testimonials will get you a good amount of traffic. First off many companies are looking for consumers to say good things about their products because it builds their creditability. Next when you find a good product why not say good things about it. It is a...

Web Hosting 318 Words

Fun When Skateboarding: Ramps And Rails

When a child starts learning how to skateboard, they will likely want to do some tricks at some point or another. Using skateboard ramps is a great way to do this. Purchasing your own ramps or building your own ramps is an investment and should only be done if the child is an advanced...

Web Hosting 403 Words

Copywriting in Your Email Campaign

Want to double or triple the number of new leads and customers you generate each month with your emails? Try focusing your Email campaign with copywriting techniques.

Copywriting in Emails is the art of using attractively written content focusing around a service or product to sell. A...

Email Marketing 388 Words

5 Reasons Why RSS Will Thrive in 2006

RSS is a technology whose time has come. Five trends driving the demand for RSS include:

1. Spam controls

As users have demanded better spam controls, ezines have lost favor. Many ezines are now scooped up by aggressive antispam measures before hitting users inboxes. RSS is already...

RSS 231 Words

How Do Dutch Auctions Work On Ebay?

A multiple-item (Dutch) auction is an auction where more than one of the same item is being sold at once. There are two kinds of Dutch auctions.

Without Bidding.

The most common Dutch auctions are actually a combination of two auction types: theyre multiple-item fixed price...

Auctions 488 Words

What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, Atom, and Feeds ...

What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, Atom, and Feeds Business?

It’s been a long day at work and you’re in no mood to cook dinner or go out. Time to count on the reliable pizza delivery guy. The order is called in and he promptly arrives with smokin’ hot pizza within 30 minutes as...

RSS 842 Words