Hosting At Home: The Pros And Cons

Is Web Hosting At Home Right For Me?

Many people today have considered web hosting at home. However, before you make that final decision, you should make sure you have all the facts.

You will definitely want to weigh the pros versus the cons of hosting within your own home and...

Web Hosting 558 Words

Peanut Butter Invoices And Cheerio Tax ...

Have you ever had to consider whether or not to mail a specific invoice because of a peanut butter stain on its corner? Ever found a cheerio in among your tax documents? Do you have bad dreams that involve small children, company manuals, and a shredder? If so, you must run a home business in a...

Web Hosting 548 Words

Seo – Should You Hire A Freelance Seo ...

Writing all of the SEO copy for your web site or all of the SEO articles that you plan to submit to ezines can be a daunting task. This is especially true if you are completely talent free when it comes to writing. This can mean having to hire a professional SEO copywriter. However finding a...

Web Hosting 357 Words

Hostgator Host Providing Webhosting Services

If you are looking for shared hosting or reseller hosting, you might want to trek over to Hostgator specializes in web hosting facilities, and as far as I can see, they are doing a good job. They have recently picked up the Editors’ Choice Award by I think...

Web Hosting 424 Words

SEO – Should You Go For A Long Or Short

SEO – Should You Go For A Long Or Short Domain Name?

It is widely believed that most search engines now look at the domain name when they go to index a page. However nobody really knows if this is really true as the search engine algorithms are actually secrets, like FICO scores....

Web Hosting 316 Words

PC2PC Server Document Exchange

One often overlooked method of communicating between different departments is PC2PC through a website. A few powerful software applications enable midsized and large businesses that allow several people from different departments, or parts of the world, to work together on a single...

Web Hosting 523 Words

Host Wars! The Battle of Space (Disk Space)

Just recently, I received an email from one of the twenty hosting companies that I’m affiliated with and before I even opened it I knew what it was going to say. Pretty much the same thing that the last five emails from other hosting companies have said. “Dear Affiliate, we’re...

Web Hosting 421 Words

Hospitality Recruiter And Executive Search ...

Executive search services offered to employers in hotels, resorts, culinary, restaurants and cruise ships that are looking continuously for the most competent candidates to fill various management vacancies in their hospitality organizations have been on the rise.

Many hospitality...

Web Hosting 528 Words

SEO – Should You Buy Or Build Your Own ...

SEO – Should You Buy Or Build Your Own Website?

How high your web site is going to be in the page rankings may depend on high your standards are when it comes to 1) thinking big and 2) creating a sleek and functional site that really user friendly. This is because link partners (the...

Web Hosting 342 Words

Pay-per-click Marketing Strategy Can Boost ...

Every business out there is competing hard with others offering like products or services, thanks to the way the world has opened up and provided consumers with access to many different resources. Thanks to the pay-per-click marketing strategy found across the internet, someone requiring a...

Web Hosting 658 Words

Hopping Into Someone Else’s Skin

We’ve all heard the saying, you can’t know a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. This technique is a figurative expression of that saying. It is about how to gain rapport by putting ourselves inside the person we’re trying to persuade. Harper Lee wrote in To...

Web Hosting 610 Words

“Pay-Per Click” Ad Campaign: ...

What is “Pay-Per Click”? “Pay-Per Click”, is an easy to understand advertising strategy. There are around 300 million searches at major search engines everyday. This causes 80% of internet traffic. Placing your websites on these search engines is very important in...

Web Hosting 405 Words