Search Engine Marketing Maximizing The ...

Search Engine Marketing Maximizing The Triangle Of Relevancy With Google

The Triangle of Relevancy is used to describe the relationship between the text in a landing page, a sponsored advertisement and the keyword or phrase thats entered into a search engine. Google places a premium on...

Web Hosting 1024 Words

Of Frogs And Visionaries

It begins as an idea. Once fully developed, the idea takes on a life that has roots in marketing, research, customer service and personal vision while wrapped in a unique blanket of promise.

The growth of the entrepreneurial spirit has much to do with creativity. The following quote is...

Web Hosting 465 Words

Greatest Wide Receiver Of All Time

Contrary to what the facts may say, in my opinion, Jerry Rice is the greatest wide receiver of all time. Many of my friends and family ask me why I feel this way whenever we discuss football. I explain how I feel that Jerry Rice had an enormous amount of passion and work ethic to play the game...

Web Hosting 455 Words

Of Blogging And Art

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and...

Web Hosting 830 Words

Of All That You Can Do To Promote Your ...

Of All That You Can Do To Promote Your Website, Content Is King

Content is King: it’s a phrase that you’ll see all over the internet. Don’t believe me? Go to Google; do a quick search for the phrase. You’ll get over 157,000,000 results.

It’s not just...

Web Hosting 670 Words

Search Engine Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a “Black Hat” technique. Cloaked pages, keyword stuffing and hidden text are just some of the techniques tried by many webmasters which are unapproved methods by search engines. One of the most widely used techniques is what is called keyword stuffing; this is...

Web Hosting 552 Words

Great Website For Your Business

The Internet is not only a great place to do business but it’s also an excellent source for learning. There is a ton of great information available, most of it for free of charge. You don’t have to get a college degree in e-commerce or learn about online technology. Even if you...

Web Hosting 454 Words

Great Ways To Make Money Part Time

There are many resources available to enable people to make money on a part-time basis, online as well as offline, and many of those can be done from home. While some positions may require specialized training, most can be performed with little or none. For example, the field of data entry is...

Web Hosting 465 Words

Search Engine Friendly

Frames are becoming a way of the past what with the use of DIV layers and the slow onset of incredibly flexible AJAX coding. The long and the short of it is that if you have Frames on your website then you are starting off at a disadvantaged position that cannot be truly search engine friendly...

Web Hosting 1522 Words

Odor Removal: Techniques That Work

Are you battling an odor removal problem in your home? It is true that once a scent sets in around the house, it can be difficult to get rid of it. There are many different products on the market that boast the ability to rid your home of the scents that you do not like or want in your house. ...

Web Hosting 515 Words

Great Ways To Make Money Online

If you wish to be at home and also work, the easiest way is to make money online. With opportunities galore in this area, there is no problem at all to have online work and to do it from home. This gives you the flexibility of time and working hours too.

Have a flexible work time work...

Web Hosting 551 Words

OC3 Connection – How It Became To Be

The death toll of analog technology as a means of data and voice transmission was rung as businesses started venturing out of their regional or territorial strongholds.

As the footprints of the corporate houses started crossing time zones and political boundaries, communication became...

Web Hosting 624 Words