Free And Low Cost Web Site Marketing

Actually nothing is entirely free. If you wish to invest little or no money into marketing your site, then you will have to spend a lot of time, energy and show some creativity.

I am sure there are other free and inexpensive ways to advertise on line in addition to those described in this...

Web Hosting 586 Words

The Steps Needed To Accept Credit Card ...

Whether you are a huge company, or just a fledgling start-up, accepting credit card payments is very important. Many people will not make any purchases on your web site if you do not accept credit card payments. Some people do not think that your business is reputable enough if you do not accept...

Web Hosting 370 Words

Niche Website Subjects

Freelance articles are a great way for aspiring writers to make extra money. If you want to make cash by selling your website articles, the key to success is in finding niche website subjects.

The word ‘niche’ is defined as ‘a situation or activity specially suited to a...

Web Hosting 510 Words

Top 5 Surefire Ways to Reduce Shopping Cart ...

You’ve spent a good deal of time creating an awesome website with very enticing advertising copy that is very successful in getting your customers to click the “Buy Me” button. However, after examining your websites logs you’ve come to notice a very ugly pattern –...

Ecommerce 504 Words

Those Who Seek, Find: Finding And Keeping A ...

Those Who Seek, Find: Finding And Keeping A Business Opportunity

Great business opportunities come to those who look for them. Bad business opportunities come to those who wait for them to arrive ring their doorbell. Think about it: great business ideas came from the ingenious brains of...

Web Hosting 532 Words

eBay and Dropshipping

If you hope to own an eBay business, and make a full time living at it, you can easily make that dream come true even if you dont have a product of your own to sell. eBay provides many people who want to quit their corporate nine-to-five jobs with a way to make a good living, without having to...

Auctions 426 Words

Choosing A Reliable Colocation Facility

There are no industry standards to designate a good colocation facility, but key areas can help identify one: power, cooling, Internet connection, and service. Good colocation facilities offer reliability through redundancy, maintenance, and service, meaning more uptime for networks and longer...

Web Hosting 631 Words

Tips on purchasing web hosting plan with ...

When a web hosting company is offering $6.95 hosting plan does this mean that you have to pay $6.95? The answer is yes and no. If you directly clicked on sign up and order now, you are absolutely paying for the full price. And you cant get any deal or extra offers.

I going to teach you...

Ecommerce 265 Words

Domain Names: Thinking Ahead

In the development of an ecommerce site it is conceivable that there is a roll out plan for your features and product lines. More than likely your initial foray into ecommerce is a microcosm of where you want to be sometime in the future.

When you are selecting domain names for your site...

Web Hosting 415 Words

Over-Optimization and the Google Sandbox

So you put a lot of work into creating a really great website only to find that noone can find it and Google doesnt rank your site very highly. You hear about a thing called “search engine optimization” and decide to give it a try. Before you go adding your keywords to every...

SEO 702 Words

This Is Your One Way Pass To Getting Started ...

This Is Your One Way Pass To Getting Started With Internet Marketing

Before getting started, there are a few major points I would like to put in consideration. First of all most of the work from home business opportunities, are nothing but scams and fraudulent offers that are just trying...

Web Hosting 1093 Words

The State Of Paid-To-Surf Programs After The ...

What a difference a year can make.

12 months ago, auto surf programs were at their peak. More and more people were investing some serious cash hoping to multiply their money by as much as 12 times within a few months. At the center of this craze was Stormpay, the payment processor of...

Web Hosting 678 Words