Top Selling Items

Finding out what to sell on eBay online auctions involves research. You really need to search throughout eBay and find the top selling items on eBay. This is actually not too difficult. The eBay site itself gives reports on what is selling the best.

However, if you really want to make a...

PPC Advertising 191 Words

Ebay: The First 10 Years.

Yes, you read that correctly: ten years. eBay was created in September 1995, by a man called Pierre Omidyar, who was living in San Jose. He wanted his site then called AuctionWeb to be an online marketplace, and wrote the first code for it in one weekend. It was one of the first websites of...

Auctions 510 Words

Domain Names: The Remembrance Factor

When choosing a domain name, it is tempting to choose a name based on convenience or to accept a suggestion from the domain provider. Which approach is right?

Maybe neither proposal is entirely appropriate.

The more pristine your domain name the easier it will be for potential...

Web Hosting 410 Words

The First Commandment of Internet Marketing

Autoresponders are one of my favorites tools. I used to do business in the traditional word( I owned a pizzeria, for delivery only, like pizza hut department, but much butter than pizza hut in France),
and the process of delivery, was after the preparation itself, the core of the...

Internet Marketing 522 Words

Tips for Using Online Bill Pay

You probably know someone like me. I’m the kind of person and constantly in need of reminders to do the simplest things. I’m talking about things like sending out the monthly payments for my credit cards, electricity, cable, water, rent, and car loan or I will more or less forget...

Ecommerce 571 Words

This Is The Single Most Expensive Mistake ...

This Is The Single Most Expensive Mistake That An Online Marketer Could Possibly Make: Part 1

The lines between online and offline marketing are a complete blur. If you have any intention of effectively making money in either arena the key to success has the same formula. Find out...

Web Hosting 810 Words

The Start Of Diamonds

Diamonds are formed under very specific conditions that require materials bearing carbon to be exposed to high pressure though low temperature (relative to most parts deep inside the earth.) The pressure should be somewhere at least 45 kilobars and the temperature a minimum of 1652 degrees...

Web Hosting 357 Words

Niche Marketing Opportunity In Ebook ...

Frankly speaking, I have no idea how well I would have done when I first launched my first ebook in Malay (my mother tongue). As far as I know, there has been no one using this technique to sell an ebook in my country.

So, can I claim the pioneer status of translating a best-seller book...

Web Hosting 435 Words

Franchising Offers Global Customer Base

It is a well-known practice in business that networking is the most efficient means of gathering resources. Whether it be for information or in some instances help in difficult situations, networking became the buzzword of most businesses long before the growth of the internet and global...

Web Hosting 513 Words

Top 7 Ways to Make Sure Google Adwords is ...

Top 7 Ways to Make Sure Google Adwords is Making You Money

Most people dont realize that the more money you spend for Google Adwords traffic in comparison to the Google AdWords ads in the positions below and above your ad, the less amount of traffic that will come to you.

If youre...

PPC Advertising 471 Words

The Squeezable Aluminum Tubes

Not all aluminum tubes have a cylindrical shape. Not all aluminum tubes have a hard surface. Aluminum has been used in tubes that can hold pharmaceutical products, household products or industrial products.

Pharmaceutical products, household products and industrial products often contain...

Web Hosting 505 Words

Top 5 Pay Per Click Search Engines Brings ...

Top 5 Pay Per Click Search Engines Brings Targeted Traffic To Your Site

1. Google AdWords – Adwords is one of Googles advertising services. AdWords is the largest and most popular of all the pay per click search engines. Google provides great tools to help advertisers, including...

PPC Advertising 696 Words