Does Keyword Density Still Matter For SEO

If you read back through older information on search engine optimization (SEO), such as information from 4-5 years ago, you will likely notice that keyword density played a crucial role in how a page ranked in the search engines. In case you are unfamiliar with the term, “keyword...

Web Hosting 419 Words

Choose A Backup Software For Your Data ...

Choose A Backup Software For Your Data Center Disaster Recovery Plan

A data center stores all the programs, files, applications and other digital information that a business needs to have, so they may reasonably compete against businesses using the internet. If their files where...

Web Hosting 586 Words

Keyword Selection and SEO

Everyday, hundreds and millions of Internet users access the network in search of something they need or want. In the earlier days, users had a much easier time locating just exactly what they sought because very few online entities were in existence, and they offered very little services. Thus,...

SEO 779 Words

Big Profits Selling Old Typewriters on eBay

Because they’re bulky, often dirty, need lots of careful cleaning and sometimes repairs, most typewriters, old and modern, are overlooked and fetched low prices at local offline auction houses.

Despite this, anyone prepared to spend time cleaning, researching, repairing and...

Auctions 824 Words

The Secret To Home Business Success

Many people have tried to succeed in the home based business world and indeed in terms of the successes or failures of different people, there are three general categories that can be used. Firstly, there are the people that are failures; people that really have no success and after a period of...

Web Hosting 519 Words

New And Exciting Home Business Opportunities

Have you ever dreamed of financial freedom for you and your family? I know I have, well not the family part because it is just me right now. But I have most definitely thought about the financial freedom part. And believe me that idea sounds pretty good to me, and I imagine it would to just...

Web Hosting 879 Words

Successful Online Fire Sale Explained

A fire sale, essentially, is a sale in which during the first couple days the product can be found at an extremely low and appealing price. Sometimes, the seller will even take a loss in profits during this time. This period is intended simply to attract buyers and increase demand, not...

Internet Marketing 507 Words

Frame, Reframe

My transcriptionist lived in New Orleans until August 28, 2005, the day before Hurricane Katrina hit. She and her boyfriend and their four cats evacuated with two cars full of valuables and art and ‘irreplaceables’. They rode out the storm in Tennessee in a pet friendly...

Web Hosting 472 Words

Web Marketing Analytics

Web Marketing Analytics is the process of accurately measuring the effectives of online marketing initiatives. It is a way to assess the response of the website visitors towards your marketing effort.

This in turn helps to identify the gap that you have been able to bridge and see where...

Web Hosting 478 Words

Specialized Needs for a Successful Ecommerce ...

An Exploding Marketplace

The world has become a busy place, with trillions of dollars changing hands each year in business transactions and consumer spending. While the customary method of doing business in person or via telephone is still in use, the growing trend is to conduct...

Ecommerce 308 Words

“Pay-Per Click” Ad Campaign: ...

What is “Pay-Per Click”? “Pay-Per Click”, is an easy to understand advertising strategy. There are around 300 million searches at major search engines everyday. This causes 80% of internet traffic. Placing your websites on these search engines is very important in...

PPC Advertising 405 Words

Does Google Really Hate SEO’s?

After reading a couple of recent articles, some directly saying that Google hates SEO’s and others being more stealthy in their aspersions, the question has to be asked. Does Google really hate SEO’s?

Well in this authors humble opinion, No! Google does not hate SEO’s,...

Web Hosting 382 Words