When purchasing subscriptions online expect to save a significant percentage off the cover price, but expect to the price offered to be the exact same on all the major sites. Pricing on magazine subscriptions have a fixed minimum price and the vast majority of legitimate retailers will charge...
China Company Start-up Checklist, Part III
Please read “China Company Start-up Checklist” Parts I and II before reading this article.
The following activities should also be undertaken as soon as possible after receiving the Business License:
(1) Obtain any Necessary Construction Permits
Procedures will...
Networking With Other Home Business Owners ...
Networking With Other Home Business Owners Can Help Your Business
No matter which home business you decide to pursue, you know that it is important to push yourself ahead of the competition. You can help move ahead of your competition by networking with people that have similar interests...
Better Bargains Than eBay?
Have you ever wondered how people that sell products on eBay are able to market products there and make money?
The first thing you have to do is look for quality items, because nothing will kill your business faster than inferior products when marketing on eBay. But even if you are...
Does A Fully Automated Home Business Exist?
The short answer is no, in any language. As to the so called 99% automated systems, thats actually worst because anyone thinks that he can handle 1%. The mind boggling aspect is that the 1% is never defined until you have been sucked in already. The 1% suddenly becomes the 99% and is defined as...
Best seo tips
The world wide web is a highly competitive market. Companies vie for the attention of billions of internet users in the search for better revenue. A lynch pin to the internet marketing war is the search engine.
Search engines are internet venues where billions of people congregate to...
Benefits of Collective Shopping
You may be wondering to yourselfCollective shopping, what the heck is that? Really, theres not too much to it. Collective shopping is simply shopping smarter, that is shopping in places that you can compare prices.
Everyone knows that if you look hard enough, you will find good deals...
Start Your Own Home Based Internet Marketing ...
Start Your Own Home Based Internet Marketing Business and Make Money Online
Like a regular store or business, a home based internet marketing business sells a product or service with the goal of making a profit. The product or service is the target; the Internet aspect is the means of...
Four Ways To Keep Your Business Going During ...
Four Ways To Keep Your Business Going During A Crisis
If you are a small or home based entrepreneur or a solo business owner, there is little room in your business for taking a sick day when a crisis or stressful life event happens. In today’s world our lives are complex, fast...
The Secret Goldmine: Search Is A Conversation
Search is about structure and meaning, syntax and semantics. Search is all about sequential patterns of interaction. It’s about language. It’s about the words that we use. It’s a conversation.
Search is an interaction between the human and the search engine; between the...
China Company Start-up Checklist, Part I
Company Establishment Checklist
Although this checklist is primarily geared toward the establishment of Joint Ventures, it can be easily adapted to the establishment of Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (see the final section of this article) Keep in mind that the following list of...
Web Hosting Strategy for Managing Multiple ...
If you are making a comfortable living from the Internet and the Web or have a plan to achieve that goal, it’s likely that you are running more than ten websites. The websites are your virtual offices. You want to your sites to be up and running 365 days, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day....