Web Design A Website For All

How many customers are you losing every day in your ecommerce website? I suppose every business owner expects some customer loss, but did you know you could be losing more customers than you may have realized?

Tim Berners-Lee is credited with creating the Worldwide Web and he always...

Web Hosting 427 Words

Great Gifts: Wholesale Kitchen Wedding ...

June marks the height of wedding season. The most popular wedding gifts make their home in the kitchen. Outfitting a fully functional kitchen is expensive. Calling on friends and family members to help stock it appears to simply be a rite of passage these days for engaged couples. Wedding gift...

Ecommerce 606 Words

Twelve issues to resolve when selecting your ...

Twelve issues to resolve when selecting your web publishing program.

Many of us have a dream of setting up a web site, whether for commercial purposes, or just because we want one. We lack the skills to do so or we are intimidated by the whole process.

It seems some of us come...

Article Marketing 1063 Words

Most Effective Ways To Get Inbound Links

If you are the owner of an Internet based business venture, you perfectly understand the importance of taking all steps possible to increase traffic to your website. In the end, an increase traffic translates into an increase in revenue which means more profits for your Internet-based business...

Web Hosting 415 Words

Fine Jewelry Choices

Many women find thrilling entertainment choices on the fine jewelry aisles of major department stores and through entering internet websites that feature a large variety of jewel pieces at very reasonable prices.

The department stores may be quite crowded with people, and the close...

Web Hosting 526 Words

Google Wallet V. Ebays Paypal

A new online payment processor is in the works to compete against Ebays Paypal system. Tentatively called Google Wallet, the new system is being developed by the Mountain View, CA, search engine giant and is expected to have an official launch date by early 2006. Choice is good and soon...

Ecommerce 242 Words

Can You Really Make Money With Internet ...

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is: ‘Can You Really Make Money With Internet Marketing?’

The short answer is YES. The longer answer is that it takes a little work and time to make money with Internet Marketing.

I never say it is hard to make money...

Web Hosting 507 Words

Discounted Auto Accessories Shopping

It is quite a bit easier to find discounted auto accessories shopping opportunities on the Internet in a virtual storefront environment that it would be to find those items at a bricked-in building that is conveniently located within your local shopping area.

The discounted prices that...

Web Hosting 535 Words

Online Business – Managing Your Life ...

Online Business – Managing Your Life When You Work From Home (Part 1 of 10)

Now that my system is set up, all I have to do is check that my affiliate partners are sending me cash, suggest the odd joint venture to a partner, and stay in touch with my customers. I rarely spend more...

Internet Marketing 437 Words

Does Pay-Per-Click have a future?

Reading the Google hit piece that appeared in Barron’s this week got me thinking about the whole pay-per-click model. Pay-per-click (PPC) has been around for more a decade, and while Google has made some positive changes to it, it’s showing its age.

If you think of the...

PPC Advertising 1172 Words

Is Directory Submission Obsolete?

Directories are sooooo 2003. Remember BlueFind? I thought Google hated directories.

Many people think that directories have become obsolete. The truth however is that while their SEO importance has decreased in the last few years, they should still be an integral part of link building for...

SEO 524 Words

The Perfect Business And Social Networking ...

Capitalizing on the fastest growing global Internet trend.

The global Internet community continues to grow at an amazing rate. From 70 million people in December of 1997, as reported by International Data Group, to 1,245 million in September of 2007 as forecast by Internet World Stats....

Web Hosting 729 Words