Buying Into A Franchise: What You Need To ...

If you want to run your own business, you may want to consider a business franchise opportunity. Franchises are a popular choice for many aspiring business-owners, because a lot of the risk has been cut out of the process: your business comes with ready-made brand recognition, and the products...

Web Hosting 594 Words

Marketing you web site – Part 2 ...

Marketing you web site – Part 2 – Using banners ad and classified ads

Using Banners to market your web site

Banner advertising is on just about every web site you visit today. Banners are a form of advertising. This advertising is used to help pay for the site and help...

Internet Marketing 984 Words

Finding Prospects Through Qualified Leads

Every business needs leads to prospective sales and the better the lead, the better the prospect of making a sale. Telemarketing used to provide leads for sales professionals within a restricted area, but telemarketing calls went south with the mandatory compliance of the national do not call...

Web Hosting 512 Words

Wealth Creation And The Values Myths That ...

Wealth Creation And The Values Myths That Keep You Poor!

So much gobbledygook has been conditioned into us relating to monetary values that it is no wonder so many people fail financially.

Susanna came to me to learn about wealth creating but our conversation got off to a shaky...

Web Hosting 1070 Words

How To Not Get Lost In The SEO World

The ever-increasing level of competition in the Web these days is like a mad scramble for most businesses, with thousands of sites and affiliates boxing-out each other for niche markets, increased traffic, and higher sales.

Website and business owners who spend money on optimizing their...

SEO 524 Words

Selling Yourself With Your Article Promotion

When it comes to promoting yourself, there is no better way to pull it off than writing articles. By submitting well-written, informative articles to online publishers, you will become an authority figure in the industry and be regarded as the one to go to. When you submit articles to online...

Article Marketing 686 Words

The Mechanics Of The Sale

To be a successful sales person in any field, one must understand the psychological principles that go into making a sale. Without an understanding of what makes people buy what they buy, and eschew what they dont want, we can never hope to be more than a journeyman seller. Here are some things...

Web Hosting 579 Words

Analyzing Google Page Rank Update

Google page rank updates are a blessing for some and a curse for others. Whenever Google update the Page Rank, it is displayed on their toolbar and during every update it causes an unfortunate stir within the SEO community as webmasters use all the rules in the book to get their website amongst...

Web Hosting 536 Words

How to Measure Keyword Density For Your SEO

This article will guide you through the main myths around keyword density and SEO. Even though keyword density should be a part of your SEO efforts, there is a lot of confusion about what density is and how to apply it properly. Also, how much is density percentage is good? This will apply to...

SEO 502 Words

Website Design Tips

When first starting out to create a website, especially if you are a beginner You can create your own web pages using a editor like Microsoft’s Front Page.With this software, you can write your web page like you would any document and then drag and drop images easily. Some practice may be...

Web Design 598 Words

Analyze Your Competition

Im sure than when you first decided to work from home online the one thing you had in mind was a brilliant idea. Or so you thought. Like many more before you I bet you started your business without knowing much about the industry. You knew inside that your idea was great and that it was going to...

Web Hosting 534 Words

Credit Card Processors

As per 2005 statistics released, on line trade grew more by more than 22% over previous year. To accept credit cards for online trade, you need a merchant account. Getting a merchant account is not easy for all. It does involve a lot of money. To solve this issue, another fast emerging choice is...

Ecommerce 868 Words