How To Get Your Articles Seen By More People

As the owner of 6 article sites and 4 article blogs, I am offering some tips to get your articles seen more. More views, more clicks, more money.

1. Proofread your article. Proofread your article. Proofread your article. You would not believe how many spelling and grammatical errors I...

Article Marketing 447 Words

Damn The Future, Blog It Up!

You write a blog religiously every day or so. You provide informative, interesting content for your loyal readers. Youve even got a couple of affiliate links in there, too. But is this enough to get great search engine results for your efforts?

Probably not. Sure, youll get listed with...

Web Hosting 541 Words

Virtual Assistant: Are You Using A ...

Every business owner, including a Virtual Assistant needs to use a newsletter to keep in touch with their current clients and to develop a relationship with potential clients.

To develop your mailing list youll need a quality autoresponder service like Aweber or perhaps youll choose an...

Web Hosting 327 Words

The Importance Of Shoe Comfort

Wearing comfortable shoes is important for everyone, regardless of age. From the time a baby takes its very first step, a comfortable pair of shoes should be supplied. If a baby doesnt wear comfortable shoes, his or her feet could develop improperly, causing pain and possibly permanent problems...

Web Hosting 428 Words

Business Idea… Opportunity ...

At first all new businesses start of as an idea. How do you turn this idea into a profitable opportunity? When the idea grips you so much, that you wake up in the middle of the night and hurriedly scribble down some notes, what do you do next? Some of the best business ideas I have had have come...

Web Hosting 420 Words

AJAX & SEO – Are They Compatible?

Many travel and holiday websites are now utilizing AJAX. AJAX is not new, but it is developing into a major buzzword in IT departments and at web developers. It’s also a potential source of friction between IT/development and marketing.

AJAX is short for Asynchronous JavaScript and...

Web Hosting 324 Words

Google PR Explained

PR is a measure of how important a page is (according to Google). For the purpose of this article, I will only discuss PR in the SEO context what it means and how to use it.

First things first: PR is not the cause or the result of high rankings.

PR depends mainly on 2 things:...

SEO 274 Words

Fife News, History & Guide

Fife is bounded by two of Scotlands main Firths, with the Tay as its northern boundary and the Forth as its southern. It has the North Sea as its eastern boundary, and before the building of the Bridges across the Tay and the Forth increased road and rail travel, its many small and not so small...

Web Hosting 507 Words

Cymphonix Network Shaping Appliance Adds ...

Cymphonix Network Shaping Appliance Adds Ability To Block Torpark Usage To Web And Content Filtering

Torpark signature and ability to block anonymous proxies give network administrators greater control over their Internet data stream. Network Composer Version 7 allows administrators to...

Web Hosting 483 Words

Management Of Foreign Invested Enterprises ...

Board of Directors

Most Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) are governed by a board of directors and senior management. An exception exists for Cooperative Joint Ventures that the parties have chosen not to incorporate (these are governed by a management committee).

Powers: The...

Web Hosting 606 Words

How To Write A Convincing Sales Letter For ...

How To Write A Convincing Sales Letter For Your e-Book

Have you ever been in a situation when you are so convinced in an ad that you are already convinced to buy after just a few minutes of reading it? That ad must be so effective to have persuaded you immediately in buying the product....

Internet Business 715 Words

Ah The Joys Of Online Coupons…

I love online coupons and saving money off of them. If there is a bargain to be found, I am all over it. My husband calls me the coupon queen-kong. I get my coupon clipping tendencies from my mother, it’s a genetic trait. My husband and my father on the other hand do not enjoy using them...

Web Hosting 428 Words