Customer Service At Tinas Twisted Tins

Summary: In an online environment it is not possible to have customers bring items to your store. You cannot deal with customer service issues face to face so dealing with the issues in a positive manner for consumers can go along way in supporting the notion that online purchases can be a...

Web Hosting 543 Words

Video Streaming And The Pop Culture Revival

A group that had a significant following in past pop culture is currently pioneering another wave in pop culture. This group was famous in the 70s and 80s and has continued to see a broad base of fan support.

They have indicated that they feel a bit like those who first pioneered...

Web Hosting 527 Words

Getting More Out of Your Article Submissions.

Article Submission is a great way to get traffic to your site, but in some cases, articles are wasted in a directory that have so many articles on so many topics that people looking for a topic just get overwhelmed and look for something else. If you submit your articles to large directories...

Article Marketing 555 Words

Internet Marketing Jargon Busted Part 1

So you are starting out in Internet Marketing and are baffled by the jargon. You dont know your SMTP from your FTP or where to put your POP3.

Internet Marketing has all sorts of jargon associated with it that confuses many new and veteran marketers. So how do you decipher this jargon...

Internet Marketing 468 Words

Google gives more importance to scientific ...

The Google Page Rank algorithm, also known as PR, seems to give more importance to the impact of a scientific article rather than to its quoting number.

For the ones that dont know, traditionally, to measure an articles importance there the method is to have citing number, meaning all...

SEO 301 Words

Old Reference Works Revived

There is no source of reference remotely as authoritative as the Encyclopaedia Britannica. There is no brand as venerable and as veteran as this mammoth labour of knowledge and ideas established in 1768. It numbered the likes of Einstein and Freud among its authors. Dozens of classic articles...

Ebooks 572 Words

Usability testing with children

Usability testing with children is similar in many respects to usability testing with adults. In order to get the most out of the sessions, and ensure the child is comfortable and happy, there are a few differences that you need to be aware of.

Stress of new people and surroundings...

Web Design 750 Words

Video Streaming And The Impatient Consumer

As websites continue to grow in size and function the use of video streaming has become a comprehensive way to manage what may seem to be complicated changes for site visitors.

The development of professional video streaming tours can help site visitors learn how to manage certain...

Web Hosting 517 Words

How To Succeed With Private Label Rights

The latest craze online is buying private label rights to various products.

The concept is a great one; you purchase the rights to something and then you’re free to edit it, put your name on it, and basically do whatever you like with it.

Sounds great right?...

Internet Business 343 Words

Customer Service And The Heirloom Factor

A couple in Colorado discovered a game they enjoyed. The game was not available in any of the box stores they visited so they conducted an online search one Christmas.

They had first observed the game a year before. They loved the fact that while the game was fun it also provided a...

Web Hosting 539 Words

Making Your Franchise Business Successful

Buying a Franchise Business is not a get rich quick scheme. You have found the right opportunity, analysed the viability of the business, met the franchisor and signed the franchise agreement. Now the hard work begins.

The first year of managing your franchise business is often the...

Web Hosting 571 Words

Video Streaming And The Imagination Consumer

There was a time when Groucho Marx said, I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. Everyone laughed at the comment because television didnt seem very applicable to the way people lived their lives it was not portable and...

Web Hosting 516 Words