How to get directories to submit your site ...

How to get directories to submit your site – with this 5 steps guide !

Getting directories to list your site is easy !

Here are some steps which you can take to find directories:

1. Check out your competitions back links. Your competition is sure to have got links...

Internet Business 290 Words

Working With New Administrative Staff

Not long ago, one of my clients in the real estate business hired the perfect person as his office manager and administrative assistant. She had most of the qualifications he was looking for and a great personality. But like many business leaders discover, hiring the right person is one thing,...

Web Hosting 314 Words

Increase sales by over delivering in your ...

So, you have decided to market on the internet. You researched the market. You waded through all the technical jargon of how to make a website. You registered your domain. You set up your auto responder, now you need to find some ebook to give away so that you can build up your mailing list....

Internet Marketing 385 Words

How to get back in shape

Before starting to work out make sure you get a full physical from your doctor and a letter stating it is ok for you to do physical activity. Many gym and aerobic centers will require this before letting you start.

Depending on how long it has been since you last did regular exercise it...

Internet Business 541 Words

Creating An Effective Online Presence Part ...

This article will be the last in my series on Creating an Effective Online Presence. This article addresses blogs, newsletters, your sales funnel, and joint ventures. This is certainly not meant to be an exhaustive review of each category but rather a quick synopsis of each...

Web Hosting 737 Words

Building An Income With Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Program Options (Building An Income With Affiliate Programs)

Type in the words Affiliate Programs into any search engine and your results will display thousands upon thousands of pages that offer work at home affiliate programs. How on earth is anyone supposed to understand what...

Web Hosting 1470 Words

The Future Of Work At Home Jobs

Work at Home Scams are Everywhere, The Future Of Work At Home Jobs

If you are interested in working from home but havent found anything profitable out there, you are in luck. If you are tired of throwing away your hard earned money on promises that turn out to be work at home scams, we...

Web Hosting 1644 Words

Creating An Affiliate Marketing Program

Affiliate programs allow a business to generate a lot of traffic, therefore boosting sales through promotion by third party sales or websites. It’s also a cost effective way to market your products and services, because you pay only for the efforts that actually turn into...

Web Hosting 443 Words

The 2 Most Common Web Site Mistakes

When we review the sites of potential clients, there are 2 mistakes we see over and over. If you are having problems with your site, make sure these 2 problems arent killing you.


Just because you think something is a good idea doesnt mean the general public agrees. A web...

Web Design 391 Words

Making Money From Clickbank The One Simple ...

So how do you actually make money from Clickbank? One of the most popular methods has to be combining Adwords and Clickbank but thats already pass especially with the Google slap already slapping

Im assuming youve already researched a niche and found a product or products to promote. If...

Web Hosting 366 Words

Articles – They Really Work

Several years ago I began an online business.

At the time, the field I was entering was not all that crowded, search engine algorithms were much easier to manipulate, and links from relevent sites were not too tough to come by.

In short – if you wanted traffic, and were...

Article Marketing 428 Words

Tell me what your website does!

You know exactly what your organisation does and what your website offers its users. This information has probably become second nature to you, but first-time visitors to your site won’t know this. As such, make sure you don’t forget to tell them what you do.

As soon as new...

Web Design 957 Words