Employee Performance Appraisal An Ideal ...

In Americas best-run and most-admired organizations, employee performance appraisal is a vital and vigorous management tool. No other management process has as much influence on individuals careers and work lives.

Used well, employee performance appraisal is the most powerful instrument...

Web Hosting 742 Words

The Demise of EZBoard

For years, EZBoard was a community that offered relatively cheap and easy to maintain forums for managers. Virtually anyone could register, design, and layout a site and invite their friends to participate. Indeed, some of the largest forums on the internet are built upon EZBoard. Unfortunately,...

Forums 902 Words

Will Video Ever Replace Text?

A lot of marketing gurus have been touting online video as the way of the future.

They extol video as a replacement to boring and static text.

While I have to admit that I really like using online videos for promote my websites, I think that replacing all your text with video is...

Web Hosting 331 Words

The Best Espresso Served From Your Franchise

If Id had my act together I could have been a millionaire by now! Coffee shop franchises are big busy and I wish I had figured this out before someone else did. You have to act or else someone else will start without you! Someone else having the same idea can beat you to it if you dont act...

Web Hosting 297 Words

Low Cost Custom Web Site Design

In this day and age there is not a lot about the internet and making money through that costs a lot of money. In the early days of the web, designers were making thousands of dollars designing even the most basic of all web sites. This was due in part to the issue that there were a select few...

Web Hosting 449 Words

AA Roadfinder

The AA provide a great UK route finding service on their website, http://www.theaa.com, It is a very simple and easy to use function, simply by typing in your location and desired destination – either by place name or post code, the route finder will provide a detailed road map as well as...

Web Hosting 318 Words

Ultimate Blogging Series Part 1: 6 Fast And ...

Ultimate Blogging Series Part 1: 6 Fast And Easy Steps To Set Your Blog On Fire

Have you been thinking how a blog gets popular? There are literally 1001 ways to drive traffic to your blog and set your blog on fire. It is not hard at all to drive thousands, if not, tens of thousands of...

Web Hosting 879 Words

Don’t Forget About Your Old Ezine ...

It’s over. You’ve written your ezine article, sent it out to some ezine publishers, posted it to some article banks and announcement groups, and have even had it published in a few ezines. Pretty good, huh! Now it’s time to forget about that article and move on to the next one....

Internet Marketing 683 Words

Computer Travel Accessories

Any business person that travels a lot will make it a point to learn all about the computer travel accessories that are available. Some of these items will make getting work accomplished a much more efficient task, and others will make the task of carrying a laptop computer through airports seem...

Web Hosting 491 Words

An Easy Guide to Building Links to your ...

Link Building is vital for a good placement in any search engine and most website owners are unaware of this or don’t really understand how it actually works.

Apart from good Keyword research and the right meta tags, linking building is an absolutely must for the success of any...

SEO 664 Words

Selling Yourself on Forums

Because of the anonymous nature of the internet people are generally more skeptical when it comes to doing business online. Owing partly to famous internet scams sensationalized by the media and to bad personal experiences online, people are less likely to trust a party whom they’ve never...

Forums 802 Words

Internet Marketing And List Building: Show ...

People who are successful in Internet marketing understand the importance of having a squeeze page or list building page as the first page on their site because whether in Internet marketing or marketing in the real world, building a list is the most important thing you can do. So, how do you...

Web Hosting 522 Words