When And How To Withdraw Your Ebay Bid

eBay are a little strict about letting you withdraw your bid. They call it a bid retraction, and have a stringent set of conditions that you must meet before you are allowed to do it. Here are eBays three acceptable reasons for withdrawing a bid.

You made a typographical error: This means...

Internet Business 494 Words

Coaching The Philanthropic Gesture

It used to be the standard practice of businesses to participate in generous charitable giving. These businesses would try to give to as many charities as possible with their charitable giving budget divided among those who asked for contributions. Simply imagine one pie cut in as many pieces as...

Web Hosting 526 Words

E-Cards: The New Online Craze

As the Internet continues to grow in use and popularity among individuals of all ages, genders, and races, it is only natural that certain unique offerings from online would grow in popularity, as well. E-cards are a prime example of this. While there are plenty of websites that sell e-cards...

Internet Business 419 Words

Benefits To Incorporating A Business Today

Incorporating is the standard for many in business today because of the level of protection it provides in protecting your personal assets against the claims of creditors and lawsuits.

Starting a corporation involves filing the Articles of Incorporation (also called a Charter,...

Web Hosting 476 Words

The 4 Step Plan To Harnessing Youtube As A ...

The 4 Step Plan To Harnessing Youtube As A Marketing Channel

You may have heard of YouTube and how it can help you in your business endeavors. Read on and find out how and why. This article discusses YouTube and how it can help you market your business through the internet.


Web Hosting 578 Words

Why Shopping Online Is Safer

There are many reasons why shopping online from the comfort of your own home is safer. One major reason is because some of the people out driving on the roads may be suffering from road rage. Road rage may occur for many different reasons, but it doesnt matter why it happens; whats important is...

Web Hosting 385 Words

A Hand With Pliers

Pliers were first developed in Europe as an aide in their metal crafting works. Since Europe was amongst the active developers of technology, pliers were used to hold and clutch hot melted items used for household wares, weapons and furniture.

Through time the pliers have evolved to...

Web Hosting 412 Words

E-Business: The Internet Shell Game

Step right up, folks. Heres your internet success story. Heres the cheap web host, Cheapie. Heres the Get Rich Quick promo, the GRQ. And heres the optimization guru, Guru. Let me shift them around like so. Choose one for your internet success.

Cheapie? Thats only $4.95 a month that you...

Internet Business 541 Words

Buy/Sell Domain Names! Is it Profitable?

I’ve just recently stumbled across a few web sites like namepros.com and dnforum, websites that focus solely on the buying and selling of domains. And I “gotta tell ya” I was quit impressed to hear some of the success stories.

Now from my understanding, I thought profit...

Domains 364 Words

Can Publishing a Newsletter Benefit Your ...

In a Word, Yes!

Publishing a newsletter as a part of your marketing campaign can increase the potential profit from existing customers becoming long-term buyers.

Newsletters gives us a tool for collecting the email addresses of targeted visitors with the intent of turning them...

Ezine Marketing 529 Words

A Guide To Web Hosting For The Beginner

What exactly is web hosting? What features will you need from a web host? Questions like these often overwhelm would-be web publishers that are just starting out. But we are here to help. After reading this article you will not know everything there is to know about web hosting, but you will...

Web Hosting 491 Words

History of Web Design

History is the replica of the present. Thus, we have to press our flashback imaginary buttons in order to have a sojourn in the times of yore.

We have to know the beginning in order to relate it to the present and the future. In the case of web design, history is conclusive and clear and...

Web Design 431 Words