The Ten Cardinal Rules Of Blogging

It was easier when I was running EMJ, since I had built EMJ slowly over 25 years so people got to know me better as the company grew. At SYNNEX, I have a whole new group of people who wondered about who I was. Blogging was one way to bridge this gap.

I am a life long learner. Doing SYNNEX...

Blogging 531 Words

Designing A Personal Webpage

Creating your own personal space on the Internet can be a great deal of fun. At the same time it can be rather difficult if you choose to create a really elaborate space. Constructing a visually rich webpage with intensive graphics and a multiplicity of options can be very time consuming and...

Internet Business 307 Words

A Diet For The 500 Pound Phone

Many time direct sales party-plan consultants will comment their phone suddenly weighs 500 pounds when they need to make business calls. Particularly when those calls are to get bookings. What is it that prevents consultants from getting on the phone and making those calls? Fear. There is the...

Web Hosting 424 Words

Christmas Gifts For Business Travellers

Does the person special in your life do a lot of traveling? Business travelers have to while away a lot of hours sitting in planes trains and automobiles. They are burdened down with a lot of luggage and often have to while away the hours in waiting areas.

Here are some great gift ideas...

Web Hosting 522 Words

Top Ten Reasons To Choose A Web Hosting ...

Choosing a web hosting provider is different for everyone. Every website has a specific set of needs and you have to find a web host that provides the needs that are specific to your website.

However, there are certain things to look for when choosing a web-hosting service. In this...

Web Hosting 1010 Words

Ready, Set, Kaizen!

Many success coaches and speakers are out there charging thousands of dollars and giving valuable information about using your potential, making money and becoming successful. The fact is, the underlying theme is to take action. You can start now and create an online business (most of you...

Affiliate Programs 313 Words

Christian Community On The Web

When you think about all the pros and cons of the internet one topic always seems to surface, the fact of community. There are both positive and negative aspects to online community but there is no denying that online communities have formed a spiritual and relational tidal wave that is sweeping...

Web Hosting 761 Words

Front-end Web Developer Metamorphosis

Web design is not the be-all end-all in developing a site. This is the very reason why metamorphosis has led to the recent discovery of frond-end developers.

Front-end web developers are what are formerly known as web designers only that they come now with a click. What is the click on...

Web Design 347 Words

Common Misconceptions about Web Traffic and ...

Starting and maintaining a website is not just about creating a homepage then some subpages then posting them in the internet. Especially if your planning on having an ecommerce site.

There tens of millions of websites in the internet and chances are high you are not alone with the site...

Traffic Generation 799 Words

Being “Open For Business”

I have great admiration for small business owners. I love their entrepreneurial spirit, pioneering attitude, perseverance and strength. I am lucky enough to work with them daily as their business coach.

Through my role as coach I am honored to witness courage in so many ways. The courage...

Web Hosting 526 Words

Why Gold Fluctuates

Annual Gold Prices for the past 5 years show that in 2005 the gold price had the biggest annual dollar increase, with an increase of over $80. A chart of annual gold prices over the last 30 years looks like a rollercoaster.

Exploration and development expenditures include all of the...

Web Hosting 399 Words

Design Conventions: A Good Idea?

Even while searching for innovative ways to make their websites work, new designers should follow the established design conventions. These conventions have evolved along with the Internet, and users expect web pages to function in a certain way.

If there were only a few websites,...

Internet Business 486 Words