Schedule Your Life And Your Business

A new and ever growing trend in America today is to work from home. It helps many parents to afford to be able to stay at home while still managing to pay their bills, and live the lifestyle that they enjoy. You may be able to save extra money by not having to pay for daycare services, car...

Web Hosting 529 Words

Google Patent Application – User Data ...

Google Patent Application – User Data As Part of Ranking Process

In this third article, we continue to dig into the patent application of Google regarding the method used to rank sites in search results. Interestingly, Google asserts in the application that it might consider user...

Traffic Generation 416 Words

The way to have a higher SPV.

Increase your profits as we have seen in the first part of our lesson is easy if you know how to do it.
We have seen that we need to get more visitors; and now we will learn that we eed to increase the SPV.
SPV means: Sale Per Visitor.
The concept is that with the same number...

Internet Business 303 Words

Indonesia as the next important market of ...

Indonesia, with its growth on internet user, from 2 million in 2000 to 20 million in 2007, has recently grow an enormous amount of internet learner. By looking on this opportunities, in 2007, public speaker from Singapore, Malaysia, experts in tourism internet marketer, has recently visit...

Blogging 183 Words

Kick Off Your Holiday Marketing Campaign ...

Kick Off Your Holiday Marketing Campaign With These 5 Strategic Internet Marketing Tips!

NOW is the time to launch your strategic Internet marketing plan for the upcoming holiday season.

If you think it’s too early, consider this: A recent study by BizRate found that 34.9% of...

Web Hosting 539 Words

Which Way Is The Right Way?

Relax! When you make your first hit , it is important for you to position your hand on the

Try letting your bat hit the top of the inside of the ball. It will be amazing where the ball will travel and the distance.

When you approach a baseball on the top inside , you will gain more...

Web Hosting 401 Words

Creditable Graphic Design

With the artistic skillful hands of graphic designers you can merely achieve the kind of design that you want for your projects. Graphic design had been noted to be an exemplary feature that makes any material more good-looking and appealing. On the other hand businesses make use of them in...

Web Design 389 Words

Google is Not the Only Phone Company in Town!

If your sales depend only on Google traffic and Google adsense or adwords then you could be in for a big dissapointment. Constant search engine rankings can make or break you. I know. I’ve been there. Riding high on Google rankings then dropping like a 2 ton rock in the Altlantic...

Traffic Generation 484 Words

Keywords In Page Title For SEO

It is recommended to use keywords in page titles itself. This title tag is different from a Meta description or keyword tag, but its and important onsideration for your overall page optimization.

Whatever text one places in the title tag (think keywords and theme here) will appear in the...

Web Hosting 417 Words

Be Informed When You Purchase A Computer

When you go online or look at ads for electronics stores, you will probably be able to find a computer that will be just right for you. There are many types and styles available on the market. You can find a computer that will take up a whole room in your house, while you can also find a...

Internet Business 483 Words

4 Tips For Raising Your Search Engine ...

Search engine rankings are an important factor to consider when you have a web site that needs more traffic. If your web site doesnt have a good position in the rankings then it will be hard to find.

Since most searchers click on the first few results, you need to make sure that your web...

SEO 439 Words

Creating Your Own Web Page is Easy – A ...

Creating Your Own Web Page is Easy – A Tutorial (Part 3)

Here’s the last part of this tutorial. Our topics are:

Linking other pages and other websites
Using CSS in styling your web pages

Let’s begin here.

Creating and placing...

Web Design 1623 Words