High Definition TV Resolutions: The Basics

What makes High Definition TV so great? Most HDTV watchers would tell you that it’s simple: higher resolution. That’s what sets HDTV apart from regular TV.

Regular television, or “standard definition” as it’s also called, shows up to 480 pixels per line. It...

Web Development 440 Words

High Definition DVD The Format Wars Second ...

Once again, there is a technology format war looming on the horizon. Many people dont remember the VHS – Betamax battle that broke out when video players were first introduced, making it possible for people to watch movies at home. This was a case of two non-compatible technologies, each...

Web Development 1122 Words

Hidden Spy Cameras: All-seeing Eyes

With the advent of reality shows, more and more people are becoming aware of the possibility of using hidden cameras to spy on other people for different reasons. Seeing people in their most unguarded moments can be fascinating. Camera manufacturers have taken advantage of the fact that people...

Web Development 556 Words

Hey Fellahs, Check Out The Dell Coupons

Whats with Dell? Great buys at big bargains. Theres no time to waste if you got an eye on computers with a coupons code. Get those codes and save as much as $350 for a desktop unit. That is whats with Dell, and more.

The coupon business

Dell is taking online shopping another notch...

Web Development 507 Words

Here’s Why You Need Data Insurance ...

My friend Bob called me the other day. He was frantic…
“Albert” he cried, “My computer just crashed. I think it was my hard drive, but I am not sure.
It won’t turn on or boot up. It just keeps making this weird sound. I think I lost everything. All my...

Web Development 522 Words

Helpful Software To Combat Spam

You would think that it is very easy to discuss blocking spam. But still, you find yourself scratching your head and staring at the ceiling everytime you give it a try. Why not make use of tools and certain utilities, which are very easy to use, that can do so well in eliminating unsolicited...

Web Development 456 Words

Helpful Guidelines For Choosing Your Next ...

Digital cameras are available in many shapes and sizes, represent various specifications, and offer an impressive array of features in many price ranges. This is why their popularity is soaring all over the world, with many people already using one for their own pictures. They have become an...

Web Development 669 Words

Help Me Use This iPhone Thing!

The iPhone is a truly terrific new phone, one that allows you to both make and receive calls, and perform many other tasks with a simple touch of a button. There are so many different and worthwhile iPhone features. In order to take full advantage of this revolutionary device, you will want to...

Web Development 404 Words

Help! My Email Is Driving Me Crazy! Part 2

Create Folders
Once you delete emails you do not need and deal with the spam, you will still no doubt have a lot of email left to deal with. Instead of letting hundreds of emails build up in your box, it is important that you find a filing system to allow you to get them organized. Start...

Web Development 417 Words

Help! My Email Is Driving Me Crazy! Part 1

If every time you open your email inbox you find yourself resisting the urge to scream, it is time you learn how to get your inbox organized. With spam, newsletter subscriptions, and fifteen emails from your Aunt Hazel, it can be difficult to keep your sanity. Thankfully for you, there are some...

Web Development 349 Words

Helicopter Flash Game

When I typed in helicopter flash game to my favorite search engine, I thought I was into something high-tech. I thought I would have the chance to fly my favorite Blackhawk helicopter along with other helicopters I want to fly for free. But then, my hopes fade away when I saw what is up for me A...

Web Development 437 Words

Headsets: The Many Different Types

The world of headsets has evolved greatly over the last decade or so. When headsets were first invented, all of these pieces of equipment were bulky and never considered to be portable in nature. As the years have passed and technology has made headsets more compatible and have more features,...

Web Development 400 Words