10 Quick Tips for Proofreading Your Copy

Proofreading is more often than not a neglected responsibility by many copywriters. If you value, however, the opinion of your readers then proofreading is but a small price to pay for the success you enjoy because of them.

Knowing What to Look for

Before anything else,...

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What You Need to Connect to Wi-Fi Hotspots

Most modern laptops, mobile phones and PDAs are Wi-Fi enabled which makes them easier to use in Wi-Fi hotspots without modifying the software and hardware of their gadget.

But for those that are not equipped with the needed tools to connect to a hotspot, here are some things that they...

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Top 5 Reasons Why to Raise Chickens

Raising chickens should not be a fuss. There are actually several reasons why people want to cultivate chickens in their backyard. Some of these are written below.

Reason # 1 Chickens love leftovers.

A chickens appetite is incredible. They can eat almost everything, even their own...

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Raising Tips: How to Choose a Chicken Breed

Chickens are wonderful animals. They are like the coconut. You see, the coconut can be used in many ways- from the leaves to the roots. In more ways than one, chickens are bred and raised because it entails a lot of benefits. In Asian countries, chickens can be eaten from beak down to its...

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The Top 5 Famous Covered Bridges In America

Covered bridges have been an integral part in Americas history and growth. There are almost 200 of them still being used and maintained for their historical value. Since it first appeared in the early 19th century, these bridges have helped define the towns that built them by connecting village...

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Different Student Credit Cards

This article will give you a few different indications of student credit cards which you can look into. There are many companies which will work with you being a student and having new credit should not be an obstacle. Most credit card companies will not work as readily with potential customers...

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Raising Tips: Give your Chicken Treats

Like children and adults, chickens also need treats that will motivate them to live healthy and happy. But! Unlike children and adults, the treats for chickens are different and are more nutritious. Compared to human treats that mostly comprises of chocolates, candies, and other sweets, chicken...

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Promotional Items as Corporate Gift: What ...

Promotional items as corporate gift is one of the best ways (not to mention, most popular) to promote your company and product or services you offer. It is the medium by which you could place your name and sales message to anyone without directly giving your actual product or services away for...

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College Students and Home Schooling

Most people think that home schooling is just for the primary school but they are very wrong. Its not limited to primary pupils and in fact, today you can find programs of home schooling exclusively for the college students. The courses can be taken online or even offline.


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What You Must Know About Yeast Infections in ...

What You Must Know About Yeast Infections in the Ears

What Causes this Infection?

A yeast infection in the ear can be very painful. We all have small amounts of yeast in our bodies at any given time. However, too much yeast leads to an infection that can become a major irritant....

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Too much of school

When my mom finally decided to take that plum posting as a Divisional Head, I knew I was in trouble. Her office hours stretched way beyond my school hours. And anyway, I was privy to the many discussions my parents had about ‘Honey, what do we do with the kids?’ Well, finally they...

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Raising Tips: Gearing up for Chickens

Certain equipments must already be present upon the arrival of the chickens in your own backyard. You have to be geared up before presenting your not so baby chicks outside the world. The transition period can be quite stressful therefore being prepared can help you rid of half of the...

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