The Sopranos centers around the life of Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), a middle-aged father of two, husband, and successful businessman. But unlike most sitcom families, Tony is constantly irritated by his children, Meadow and Anthony (Jamie Lynn Sigler and Robert Iler). Furthermore, he...
The Sopranos (Season 4) DVD Review
Recipient of numerous awards and critical acclaim, The Sopranos has solidified itself as one of the best shows of the past decade. A sitcom family version of The Godfather, although not to be confused with family-friendly programming, the show provides a fresh glimpse of the vast underworld of...
The Sopranos (Season 3) DVD Review
In the late 90s, The Sopranos, along with HBOs other original series with Sex And The City, took the entertainment world by storm with its dry wit and flavorful brand of drama. A hybrid of The Godfather and a normal, run-of-the-mill sitcom family, The Sopranos created a new experience for its...
The Sopranos (Season 2) DVD Review
In the late 1990s a new HBO original series took America by storm. The Sopranos redefined the cable drama series genre with its unique look into the family life of a New Jersey mafia kingpin. Recipient of numerous Emmy nominations in the years since, The Sopranos has built a loyal following...
The Sopranos (DVD) Review
Along with Sex And The City, the HBO original series The Sopranos took the world by storm in the late-1990s with its cutting edge drama and acerbic wit. A cross between The Godfather and the traditional nuclear sitcom family, the show provided a unique experience for a niche audience that...
The Simpsons (Season 6) DVD Review
One of the best television shows of its era, or any era, The Simpsons redefined the genre of prime time animation. The blockbuster series filled with eccentric personalities from the town Springfield helped propel the rising FOX network from second-tier to the elite status enjoyed by CBS, NBC,...
The Simpsons (Season 5) DVD Review
If youve never been to Springfield, then you havent experienced one of the most entertaining and witty shows in television history. The Simpsons is unrivaled in its satirical quality and is quite possibly one of the funniest shows in television history. Its already the longest-running prime time...
The Simpsons (Season 4) DVD Review
Fun for both adults and children, The Simpsons is one of those rare shows that smashed the conventional wisdom of its time and redefined its genre. By creating a truly adult cartoon, and not one watered-down for a younger audience, The Simpsons kept its finger of the pulse of American TV...
The Simpsons (Season 3) DVD Review
In the late-1980s, a one-minute segment on The Tracy Ullman Show (since long forgotten, except in trivia questions) morphed into its own series. That series was The Simpsons, and it became an anchor for the then-burgeoning FOX network. With a wildly original cast of oddball characters, The...
The Simpsons (Season 2) DVD Review
Before Seinfeld redefined the sitcom, The Simpsons came along and redefined prime time animation. Straying from the usual formula of innocence concocted by The Flintstones and The Jetsons, The Simpsons left no area of society untouched by its raw politically-incorrect satire. With an almost...
The Simpsons (DVD) Review
Starting with the very first episode (airing December 17, 1989), The Simpsons (Season 1) DVD is packed with some of the best episodes in the show’s history. All of these early episodes exhibit a bit of amateurish (by later Simpson standards) animation, seeing as how the popularity of the...
The Shield (DVD) Review
Nominated for 4 Emmys and 4 Golden Globes, including Best Television Series – Drama, The Shield is one of the top police dramas of the past decade. The brainchild of creator Shawn Ryan, writer for such hit shows as Nash Bridges (1996) and Angel (1999), The Shield made history in 2003 by...