“An Effective Trick To Help You Not ...

“An Effective Trick To Help You Not Take Things Personally!” [Reflections Of A Middle-Aged Man]

I think it would be fair to say that we all have a tendency to take things personally. It’s just that some of us have a greater tendency than others to do so. And, when it...

Time Management 825 Words

Piggy Bank Stress Of Smoking

As a hypnotherapist specializing in a proprietary Smoke Cessation program, I field a lot of questions regarding How much do you cost? and Why are you so expensive? It amazes me how focused smokers can be on the cost of quitting, without considering the cost of smoking. Yesterday I received a...

Time Management 466 Words

Out of The Matrix

The material presented herein is to be read very slowly. Most of it originates from very deep levels of Mind. Pause when you feel the need to do so when something seems a bit obscure, and meditate on it. All we easily reveal itself. It is meant to.

The Universal Mind (The IS: Eternal...

Spirituality 3668 Words

An Atypical Success

Melba Rae likely never traveled the world. Its likely that she never rode in a limousine. She had none of the trappings of fame and there was probably very little fortune. She was just an ordinary woman that was extraordinary in her ordinary profession.

Most of us have many teachers in...

Time Management 661 Words

A Silent Night Not At My House

People say, as they get older their hearing is not what it used to be. I have found this to be true for myself. The older I get, and I plan to get as old as I can, the more I hear noises in the middle of the night. Noises, I might add, that I have never heard before.

Im not against noise....

Inspirational 913 Words

Trust Your Intuition

Are you aware of your inner voice? Do you pay attention to it? Im not talking about the one who puts you down by the way! Im talking about the one that softly whispers ideas and suggestions to you the kind that the other voice might shout down, crying Are you mad? That requires stepping out of...

Time Management 718 Words

Keep the Channel Open

Why do you do what you do? What is your real work in the world, and why is it important to know the answer?

I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I have started and run several businesses, and as I look back, I think the most important element in financial and personal success is awareness...

Self Improvement 396 Words

Physical Effects Of Stress On Women

The physical effects of stress on women are often discussed, especially among women themselves. Even as they cause themselves by responding with anxiety to the thought of the physical effects of stress on women, they increase those effects. As a woman, I have often sat in a group, each member of...

Time Management 763 Words

Opening to Your Life Insights

Eight years ago this month I suffered the loss of a younger brother. This being the first time that I lost a sibling and the fact that he was the youngest made this time especially tough. To watch his children view him at an age where they didnt even understand the concept of death was enough to...

Spirituality 719 Words

Phobias Their Causes And How You Can ...

Phobias Their Causes And How You Can Overcome Them With Hypnotherapy

A phobia can be defined as an illogical fear or dread. When a person experiences a panic attack, they get panicky feelings; their breathing and heart rates increase; they may...

Time Management 1226 Words

An Attitude Change Is The Biggest Change You ...

An Attitude Change Is The Biggest Change You Will Ever Make

You may have heard it said before that an attitude change is easy. All you have to do is change everything about yourself. As crazy as it seems, its the truth. A change in your attitude will eventually involve everything about...

Time Management 727 Words

K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Sweetie

We live in such a fast paced world and finding ways to simplify your life can help to create a more relaxed and satisfying life for you and your family.

Simplicity involves freeing your time, money, and energy so that you can pay more attention to what is important to you.


Self Improvement 473 Words