Framing The Big Picture

The most powerful concept in persuasion is framing. When we look at the overall, big picture we can see most everything we do and say as a frame. When I suggest examples based on religion and politics, I’m not (NOT!!) endorsing one side or another. I’m simply showing where our blind...

Time Management 529 Words

Using Conscious Creation To Improve Your Life

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Idle hands are the devil’s tools” — meaning if you don’t have something to keep you busy, you’re likely to get into trouble. That can be argued of course, since the intent to cause trouble probably has to be present...

Self Improvement 584 Words

Using Alcohol Or Taking Drugs Will Not Take ...

Using Alcohol Or Taking Drugs Will Not Take Away Your Worries

At some point in time, you feel lost and confused. No matter what you do, you worries and fears are bothering you. In these particular cases, some people may turn to alcohol or other substances to manage their worries and...

Self Improvement 384 Words

Four Myths About Building Self-confidence

People who have self-confidence believe in themselves and feel that they are capable of achieving what they want in life, or dealing with any situation that they may have to face. They have an aura of self-confidence and self-assurance, which is apparent to others. People like to spend time with...

Time Management 611 Words

Foundational Principles Of Persuasion

Central to understanding persuasion is the concept of neutrality. The laws of persuasion are neither good nor evil. They simply exist. Just as nuclear power can be used to create electricity or an atomic bomb, persuasion can be used to create unity or to force compliance. Whether the outcome is...

Time Management 549 Words

Use Your Commute

Two commutes a day, ten a week, forty a month, about 440 times a year. If you commute 45 minutes to work, that is ninety minutes a day, 1,650 hours a year!

You know those goals youve been meaning to achieve? Why not use this time to work on them! How you choose to use the time is as...

Self Improvement 441 Words


When we look at a certain object, a painting for example we wont be able to appreciate whats in it, what is painted and what else goes with it if the painting is just an inch away from our face. But if we try to take it a little further, well have a clearer vision of the whole art...

Self Improvement 776 Words

Forgive Yourself To Grow

If you are on a path of purposeful personal growth, you will have to learn how to forgive yourself to see progress.

Now, before you start balking at the idea, let me give you an example.

Remember when you learned to ride a bicycle? I’m pretty sure you didn’t just hop on...

Time Management 368 Words

Creative Notions

People seem to have the misconception that only a select few are able to unleash a steady flow of creative genius. That is not true at all. The fact is, creativity is very much like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to consistently give out great results. If you don’t practice...

Self Improvement 766 Words

Forgive To Live: Free Yourself Of Emotional ...

Forgiveness is difficult for many people because, too often, we think to forgive is also to condone, to say, “Oh, that’s ok.” We put up barriers to forgiving others because of this notion. Many times, in fact, most times what needs to be forgiven is NOT ok. It was not ok to...

Time Management 510 Words

Unleash The Power of Listening and Build ...

A vital skill in becoming an effective communicator is the ability to listen. Listening skills are not taught in school, and sadly are largely undeveloped skill in many people. To listen effectively is a powerful skill that can be learnt and practiced. You will gain more respect and esteem...

Self Improvement 880 Words

Foreplay Tips

Foreplay is an important and crucial part of the whole lovemaking process. It is simply defined as everything you do that comes before actual intercourse. A couple needs foreplay to spice up their sex life, get fully aroused, and heighten pleasure.

Men are from Mars:
Sometimes men...

Time Management 682 Words