Goal Setting And Expectations

Goal setting is not only about the goals but also about what the person expects to get from these goals, the road he or she imagines on their way to these desired goals, and the force in which they imagine getting there.

Expectations are not only important, they are critical for one to...

Goal Setting 562 Words

How To Accelerate Your Personal Success?!

Get ready for a golden idea that will accelerate your personal success beyond your imagination.

Are you like most of people who may sit with themselves and define their strengths and weaknesses?

And after that you start developing a plan to improve your weaknesses to become a...

Success 335 Words

Avoiding Your Persistent Fears Will Not Make ...

Avoiding Your Persistent Fears Will Not Make Them Go Away

Your fears, anxieties, and other problems have the best of you and you dont know where to turn for help. At some point you feel totally helpless as you struggle each day. What do you do?

As a layman and an author of a...

Self Improvement 377 Words

Choosing the right path

When someone does something that they know that they shouldn’t do, did they really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. You can take two people, present them with the same fork in the road, and one is going to have an easier time than the other choosing...

Motivation 421 Words

Identifying Your Wellness Potential

I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and the moon whatever inly rejoices me and the heart appoints. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each day, are you becoming more of yourself? At first an awkward question. Yet, as I continue to read and discover more...

Time Management 822 Words

Law of Attraction 3 Steps to Faster ...

Would like to learn how to speed up the attraction process? Everyone would love to learn how to attract their desires a lot faster. First you must learn to understand the universal laws and how they work. Its a fact of life that our very existence depends on our understanding of how the...

Attraction 380 Words

Stress Management Using Hypnotherapy

Stress has become a normal part of a persons life. Almost everyone feels stressed out at one point in their lives. There are several reasons why many people experience stress. These reasons maybe caused by external or internal factors. The most common causes are health problems, emotional...

Time Management 407 Words

Identifying Infant Sleep Problems Yourself

Infant sleep problems are not at all uncommon just ask any honest mother or father! It can be extremely frustrating, but many parents do not worry about it as most consider sleep deprivation a parenting right of passage. While most parents do go through a period of time with their baby where...

Time Management 406 Words

Avoiding Awkward Situations

Uncomfortable social situations are the worst-minor blunders can leave you embarrassed and feeling socially inadequate. A few simple tricks can help you avoid the most common mistakes and boost your self-esteem and social prowess at the same time.

The Name Game

You walk into a...

Self Improvement 559 Words

Change Your Thinking. Change Your Life.

Have you ever given up on a dream because you’ve listened to that ‘little voice’ in your head that tells you that you ‘can’t do it’ or ‘what’s the point?’ That inner voice is the critic inside of everyone that causes many bright futures to...

Motivation 370 Words

How Indifference Can Bring You Success

Heres a scenario Im sure youre familiar with and Im equally sure that its caused you a truckload of frustration and dejection. And dont worry, youre not the only one its happened to, it happens to millions of others and it happened to me too on far too many occasions to include here.


Success 698 Words

Goal Setting Adds Purpose To Your Online ...

People used to come to my high school and talk about how important it was to have goals. You have to set realistic but ambitious goals for your life in order to feel fulfilled with life. I am paraphrasing, of course, because in high school I was a young punk and never paid attention at those...

Goal Setting 608 Words