Every day is a struggle. No matter what authorized assigns from UNO say, every day is a fight that ends up with a glorious victory of one side and the shameful loss of the others. By struggle or fight we mean not only wars in Iraq, Israel and other countries that are constantly subjected to acts...
Teenage Stress And Anxiety
Stress and anxiety levels in teenagers have drastically increased over the last few decades. As the responsibilities of the world around them lay on their shoulders heavier, more and more teens are facing health problems both on the physical and on the emotional sides. As a parent, it is hard to...
Do You Need Contact Lens
Are you about to venture into the world of wearing contacts? Many people in need of corrective lenses choose to wear contact lenses because of the comfort and an aversion to looking awful with glasses. Glasses slip down your nose, weight on your ears and nose, and have glare problems with light....
Train Your Leadership – Realise Your ...
I have been fascinated over the years by the debate, research and discussion about leadership and management. Increasingly there seems to be a focus on the differences between leadership and management and it seems to me that this has developed in part because of deficits in one or the...
Do You Lose Confidence And Power In Dealing ...
Do You Lose Confidence And Power In Dealing With People?
One of the many reasons why people lose confidence and power in dealing with people is because they are too overly concerned with what other people think. They feel they wont be liked if they said what was on their mind. What they...
Techniques for effective communication
Anna is Ginas senior producer for a lifestyle show; lately Anna seems to be distracted, the quality of her work has declined and Gina wants to know what the problem is. In the workplace, people devote around 80% of their time in an interpersonal situation. Studies have shown that most of the...
Top 7 Mastery Principles To Building A ...
Are you aware of the single ** most powerful ** asset in your business? Is it money? Is it employees? Is it your credentials or intellectual knowledge? Is it your products or services?
No, actually, it is none of these. Your single most important business asset is your MIND … more...
Teamwork and Jigsaw puzzles
All of us talk of team work. Sports thrive on teams. Every business wants to develop winning teams. Every president or prime minister brings his own team. What is there in teams? A team is needed because a lone person can not handle all the work. So one gathers different experts, creates a team,...
Do You Know Your Flock?
Have you seen the mattress commercial with the little sheep that try to convince mattress buyers to buy their brand? The commercials crack me up every time I see it, and the image of those sheep came to mind recently as I was spending my morning time renewing my mind in The Word and was reading...
Tea: Origins, Flavors and Health Benefits
How many times do we just want to drink tea after a heavy meal, but are then bombarded with all the various tea flavours that we get lost. This article answers that need.
What you should always remember is that there are only four types of tea. We all have Self Talk. So what is Self-Talk? Simply put Self-Talk is the running dialogue in your head. It’s the words you use to describe the experiences in your life. It’s the words you use when you have challenges. It’s the words you use when... Homework is at best a chore for most children and, unless they are very committed, They find homework difficult, often because they are not motivated. Consider the following questions. When your child does homework to what degree is he or she comfortable, focused and relaxed or is doing...
1) Black tea
2) Green tea
Talking To Yourself Again? What Are You ...
7 Steps to take the Stress out of Homework