Public Speaking Lessons

The benefits of communication are evident from the least sophisticated creatures to the most advanced as in humans.

Perhaps, among the creatures especially endowed with the power of communication, humans make use of them more intensely and with a purpose that each speech made has had...

Leadership 747 Words

Did You Know That There Are A Large Number Of

Did You Know That There Are A Large Number Of Depression Support Groups In The World?

There are many people who experience brief bouts of depression in their daily lives. There are also people who cant seem to shake off their depression moods at all. For those people the feelings of...

Time Management 468 Words

Stammering Speech Therapy

Are you somebody who has a stammer? My name is Stephen Hill and I had a stammer problem which started when I was aged four. After suffering with the speech impediment for eighteen years, I then, afer a lot of hard work, managed to achieve fluency. This article is about the types of speech...

Self Improvement 378 Words

Tips to Cope With the Loss of a Loved One

Tips to Cope With the Loss of a Loved One

Whether it was expected or sudden, the death of a loved one is never easy.

The loss of someone close can create tremendous amounts of stress for those affected, causing feelings such as numbness, guilt and anger. But though it may be...

Stress Management 349 Words

Public Speaking Basics For Starters

The content of the speech should match the information needed by the audience. Preparing the material carefully and specifically can ensure success on your public speaking endeavor. It will be helpful to tape record one’s own speech and then listen to it carefully. Do this in front of the...

Leadership 448 Words

Stammering And Stuttering

Stammering or as it is sometimes known as stuttering is a form of speech impediment.

My name is Stephen Hill and I had a stammer for eighteen years. I went to various types of speech therapy which even though was of some use, never really offered me any hope of a...

Self Improvement 448 Words

Development Of The “I”

Last week I noticed my brother trying to teach my three year old niece to say “I” – “I would like an apple…, I would like some grapes…” But she insisted that it should be said, “Vaishali wants an apple, Vaishali wants some grapes…!”...

Time Management 690 Words

Preventing the Misconduct of Your Children ...

Human behavior, whether that of a child or a grown employee, always stems from a goal or purpose. Starting as a thought, the behavior is further enforced by triggers of the emotions and senses. This behavior, when it is “good”, gets us rewards and recognition, while on the other...

Leadership 1022 Words

Tips For People Who Stress About Money

Money or the lack of it, can cause many people a great deal of stress. People often play mind games with themselves by worrying about certain situations. How will I be able to pay if my car breaks down? How will I cope if I lose my job? In this article, I give money management advice to help...

Stress Management 691 Words

Developing Your Inner Spiritual Guidance

As the world becomes more connected through the technologies of communication, it is also becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection with intuition and spiritual guidance is no longer easily found in our daily...

Time Management 677 Words

Presentation Skills That Persuade And ...

Almost everyone feels a bit nervous about delivering a presentation before a group. Some people would rather undergo a root canal than experience the anxiety of giving a speech.

Follow some basic guidelines for preparation and delivery, and you can transform your nervousness into positive...

Leadership 697 Words

Spring Cleaning

The days are longer; the sun shines brighter. Throw open the windows and inhale in the sweet smell of fresh cut grass and the lilacs blooming outside! The world is coming back to life, and youve got more energy and enthusiasm. Its time to shake off the darkness of winter with a good round of...

Self Improvement 677 Words