New Age Spirituality – Inspirational ...

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 15 )

Knowing that mother and father are the visible representatives of God, the householder, always and by all means, must please them. If the mother is pleased, and the father, God is pleased with the man. That child is really a...

Time Management 386 Words

A Simple And Effective Mind Power Technique

There are many different techniques you can use to tap into the amazing power of your thoughts. I have here for you a simple visualization exercise which becomes extremely powerful when you master it.

Visualization basically means to sustain an idea or image in our mind of what we want to...

Time Management 343 Words

Thoughts On Volunteering

Were now a few weeks into the New Year 2007. I hope you are making progress with your New Years Resolutions. Im a bit off schedule on one of mine because a project is moving a bit slower than I expected. So Ive revised my plan, and Ill be back on track next week!

The early days of a new...

Time Management 587 Words

Thoughts On Creativity

Creativity can be learned. You may think you are not a creative person and creativity is for people like those who sit and write books, songs or create movies, etc. You may think creativity is something that comes natural to some people and you are not in that group, or you just dont need to be...

Time Management 1257 Words

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational ...

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 14 )

The life of every individual,according to the Hindu scriptures, has its peculiar duties apart from what belongs in common to universal humanity. The Hindu begins life as a student; then he marries and becomes a householder; in...

Time Management 484 Words

A Short But Accurate Definition Of ...

Weve all experienced procrastination at some point in our lives. For some its something that comes and goes while for others it is a frustrating habit that often prevents them from ever achieving any of their dreams and goals.

There are many definitions of procrastination, but they all...

Time Management 734 Words

This New Years, Resolve To Be Happy

As we all know, some of the most common New Years Resolutions are to lose weight, to stop smoking, to save money, and so on. Instead of resolving to do things that can cause you stress, this new year, why not resolve to be happy?

Find out what makes you happy

Take a few minutes to...

Time Management 509 Words

This Is Your Year To Master Success

As the clock chimed midnight on the eve of 2007, I truly felt like doing a happy dance. Not just doing a happy dance, but doing it buck-naked, outside, in the cold, in the dark for all the neighbors to see if they happened to be out at that hour of the night. Although I did manage to contain...

Time Management 580 Words

A Secret Of Law Of Attraction

If there is a secret of law of attraction, it is that the non physical language of the universe is one of vibration, we are all radiating that which we are, we are all giving and receiving vibrational signals on many different levels. All of our experiences are vibrating at different frequencies...

Time Management 630 Words

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational ...

New Age Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 9 )

So it is with duty. The idea of duty varies much among different nations. In one country, if a man does not do certain things, people will say he has acted wrongly; while if he does those very things in another country, people...

Time Management 394 Words

A Scientific View Of The Law Of Attraction

Since the airing of The Secret, thousands of people across the globe have come to understand a little about the law of attraction. Tens of thousands of people search the Internet every single day for more information on how to use the law of attraction to get more of the things they want in...

Time Management 536 Words

Think Passionately!

Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.
– Anthony Robbins

All stories of success have one common element. You guess right, that is Passion. Passion for what they want to achieve. Enough passion to keep their eyes from wandering away from...

Time Management 374 Words