Have you ever felt you communicated clearly with someone, but that person didnt understand what you said? Did you blame them for not listening properly, or for misinterpreting your words? Or did you take responsibility for the response your communication elicited? Were you centered with your...
The Secret – When You Can Walk On ...
The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 35 )
Its true,replied God, that anytime is a good time, but you must know if it is the right time. Winter is a good time, but do you plant roses in the snow?A stormy day is a good day, but is it a day for sailing or...
8 Reasons To Learn A New Language.
Learning a new language is a gratifying enterprise. I’m not going to tell you that it is always easy, but if you go down this road you will not regret it. Motivation often depends on having a clear purpose. The reasons below may help you find the stimulation you need.
Moving to a...
7 Words Intuitive Communication Model
Many people are justifiably concerned that their way of life is permanently at risk from climate changes, war and pollution. The problem lies in the way we think. Humanity has misunderstood the nature of reality and is now facing the inevitable consequences of having ignored all the signs that...
Music To Meditate By
Some people prefer to meditate silently without any music but there are others who prefer to meditate with music. Different people like different music to meditate by. Some like to have music playing in the background while they meditate while others like the form of meditation that involves...
Murder Your Motivation – Spirituality ...
For ten years i made the same mistake again and again…. I cannot recall a single morning when i got up full of energy and raring to go. There was nothing which motivated me. I used to work for the best companies across the world but they mattered very little deep down within me. I wanted...
The Secret – When You Can Walk On ...
The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 34 )
Youll be healthy not by disliking sickness, but by loving health.Treat your body with respect and love. Its the vehicle for your consciousness while youre on earth.Its also made to provide you with pleasure. Looking...
7 Ways To Stay Motivated
You know what its like. You set yourself a goal, something you want to achieve. You are excited and ready to take on the world, and then a few months later you cant even be bothered to spend 10 minutes working towards achieving it. Well welcome to being human! It is so easy to go from...
Motivational Wisdom From A Chef Rat – ...
Welcome to Part II of “Motivational Wisdom from a Chef Rat” where Disney movie Ratatouille’s star and uber management guru, Remy the Rat, shares his motivational wisdom and inspirational insights:
When Anton Ego, France’s most...
7 Ways To Develop Momentum And Get Things ...
One thing that I learned from bicycle racing (actually, I am not much of a bicycle racer but I do triathlons – biking needs work) is the power of momentum. In bicycle racing the way to do better and use less energy is to pedal very, very fast and powerfully to start with, give it 120% and...
The Secret – When You Can Walk On ...
The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 32 )
As the shimmering stopped, I glanced around. We were on the deck of a large ship with no land in sight. As far as the eye could see there was waterblue-green and beautiful. The gentle wind and serenely rolling waves...
Motivational Posters In The Office
In todays business environment, motivational art has quickly become the darling of entrepreneurs. Why? Simply because it works! In short, motivational art posters/prints are photographs or drawings that carry an inspirational message that corroborates the picture. Therefore, they make the...