The Perfect Antidote To Procrastination

The battle to annihilate procrastination is one that should be taken to the nook and crannies of the world. This is because procrastination has destroyed so many lives and is still destroying so much more. It makes people live below their potentials thereby maiming their destinies.


Time Management 381 Words

The Origin And History Of Hypnosis

Hypnosis or hypnotism is a psychological phenomenon of exceeding interest to both layman and scientist. Its history is as old as that of the human race, and it has been utilized by the most primitive of peoples, ancient and modern, in the practice of religious and medical rites to intensify...

Time Management 686 Words

Living In Mexico: San Miguel De Allende

Americans living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico either do not understand, do not want to understand, or are in simple denial regarding the effect they’ve had on this Central Mexican Colonial Town. I find their constant shock and surprise at the observations made by the rest of the world...

Time Management 984 Words

The One Question To Ask Yourself To Avoid A ...

The One Question To Ask Yourself To Avoid A Lifetime Of Hell And Grief

Are You Making The Right Choices In Your Life?

You are what you are and where you are because of countless choices that youve made during your lifetime. Each choice has an influence, however slight, upon your...

Time Management 518 Words

Live Like A Lover!

What if you could always see the world through the eyes of someone in love?

It is amazing how good we are at using our awesome brains to make ourselves feel bad! Ruminating over an embarrassing moment a week ago; beating ourselves up because we meant to say one thing, but actually said...

Time Management 1154 Words

The Often Overlooked Resource For Healing ...

Having a health crisis can be a frightening experience. Whether you battle with cancer, depression, diabetes, pain, or another long-term condition at home or in a hospital facility, a feeling of isolation often accompanies these conditions. The result is decreased energy and, often, a lack of...

Time Management 509 Words

Little Known Ways To Be A Positive Person

Most successful people are those who always try to look things from the positive point of view. They are unlikely to get stressed. They can always find solutions to their problems.

And those who are not positive enough, are likely to get stressed easily and find it hard to solve...

Time Management 317 Words

Listening Within: The Awakening Of Intuition

We live at a time when the capacity to hear Gods voice speaking within heart and mind has become greater, due to the intensification of light within the physical plane. As a result, even for those who have wandered far away from a spiritual path, the way back is more possible than ever before...

Time Management 1034 Words

The Obstacles That Keep You From Closing The ...

The very first obstacle that many persuaders experience is prejudging a prospect. They set up an appointment, hang up the phone and then immediately say, Oh, great. This ladys looking for a product we dont even have. Shell never buy. It could be for any number of reasons, but basically the...

Time Management 1846 Words

The New Spiritual Consciousness – An ...

All of life is welcoming you into a new reality, which is unfolding and emerging right before your eyes. You may not see this new reality with your physical senses yet, but your body, your consciousness, your intuition and your dreams are already actively involved in this new spiritual...

Time Management 575 Words

Listen To German Words Before You Speak

The German language has very different pronunciation pattern compared to English. If you have been speaking the English language since you were born, speaking in German could become quite a challenge. But this doesnt entirely mean that learning German is impossible for an adult.


Time Management 367 Words

The Need For Friendship And Community

As a life coach for over 20 years, I have noticed that my clients are looking for more than insights or pearls of wisdom; they want a guarantee that they can trust that they will not have to vie for someones attention, that they will be heard and cared about, and that they will be listened well...

Time Management 1047 Words