Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disease has severe effects on the life of the sufferer as well as those people closest to them. The patients need almost everybody’s attention. They need it from their psychiatrist, physicians, close friends, and supportive...
Learn To Cure Excessive Sweating And ...
Learn To Cure Excessive Sweating And Skyrocket Your Confidence Once Again!
Are you sick and tired of days where you have to constantly wipe the dripping sweat from your head? Have you had enough of smelly odor problem arising from your sweating armpits? Is it time for you to finally learn...
Learn To Build And Trust In Interdependent ...
Q. What happens when we feel the need to impress by trying to do it all ourselves? We let ego get in the way of reality, and subsequently place pressure on ourselves.
The result? We take on too much and end up making mistakes or failing to get things done as and when expected. In turn,...
The Importance Of Goal Setting
Just as having a business plan will help you to get from where you are now to where you want to be, setting yourself goals will allow you to get through each stage of your plan with a clarity of purpose that is essential in good business practice.
The goals and targets you set yourself...
Learn To Apply The Fundamentals Of Respect ...
Learn To Apply The Fundamentals Of Respect (PT 1 – Self Respect)
Q. What happens when we constantly forsake our own wellbeing to be of service to others?
We risk denying ourselves the opportunity to strengthen and develop our own existence by neglecting the value of our...
The Hypnotic Voice The Vocals Of Hypnosis
Its impossible to state with certainty whether a particular vocal level or tone has more success in hypnosis. There have been no scientific studies as far as I am aware. However, I think that naturally, people are more receptive to suggestions delivered in a neutral tone, and theyre less...
Learn More Than The Italian Words
Everybody has their own issues in learning a foreign language which includes not only the English speakers who are trying to learn other languages of the world; but the same principle applies to non-English speakers who are trying to learn English.
For any of you interested to learn the...
The History Of Hypnosis Revealed
When it comes to exploring the history of hypnotism, you will find both scientific and unscientific pit stops throughout time. There is also an artistic aspect that warrants attention regarding the subject. As you study the records associated with this unique mental journey, an assortment of...
Learn More About Pheromones In Humans
The discovery of pheromones in 1959 led to several developments in the areas of relationships and behaviors. Pheromones were originally associated with the chemical substances that animals usually excrete to send a message to their own species. Further research on the topic widened the...
The Healing Presence Of God’s Love
God’s love as a healing presence in the world is growing stronger daily. Many people are not yet able to perceive this growing presence of light, because there also exists at this time a thick cloud of negative energy that is surrounding the Earth. This acts to obscure both the perception...
Learn How To Defend Your Dreams!
Have you ever been convinced to walk away from your dreams by people who manage to throw enough self doubt at you to win that war of attrition? The constant day in and day out negativity that pushes you to give up your dreams and conform to something youre not? What are you nuts? You cant do...
The Hardest Thing To Do In Quitting Is ...
The Hardest Thing To Do In Quitting Is Staying Away From Cigarettes
Smoking is an addiction that is developed when one has this unmanageable reliance on cigarettes affecting negatively the entirety of a persons health once it is stopped. But this does not mean that quitting smoking is...