Love everything that happens to you. It is one of the secrets to working the law of attraction. Love every minute of the day and make it a real part of your life. Get used to this new way of feeling and it will lift you to the next dimension, the place where you should be in order to work the...
Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Gratitude
Before the law of attraction can work, you need to be grateful of your present condition. Whatever your current situation is, be grateful for that. Do not resent your life situation no matter what state of condition you are currently in. There are people who are far less fortunate then you are...
The Dead End Of Resistance
Jimmy had spent many years in various kinds therapy, yet still felt numb and empty inside most of the time. He consulted with me because he hoped that the Inner Bonding process we teach would move him out of feeling so stuck.
It became apparent to me soon after starting to work with Jimmy...
The Dance Of Change
Though many are afraid of change, our world today has made it decidedly clear that, like it or not, change is and continues to be a constant. Not only that, it is an increasingly consistent constant. Like it or not, theres no avoiding this invitation to dance.
Yet if we have learned to...
Law Of Attraction: The Driving Force Behind ...
Law Of Attraction: The Driving Force Behind All Success And Failure
Dear Success Seeker,
First of all, I hope you’re having a fantastic day. I know you’ve had some really good things happen in your life already today. I also realize there’s a good chance...
The Chocolate Ice Cream, The Hero, The ...
The Chocolate Ice Cream, The Hero, The Insight And The Human’s ‘Being’
When the insight hit me last week I happened to be ordering ice cream for my daughter.
There we were, in Spain, by the sea front, enjoying the sun, having fun, buying a chocolate cone and not...
Law Of Attraction: How To Work The Power Of ...
Law Of Attraction: How To Work The Power Of Visualization
The power of visualization in the law of attraction, or what is famously known now as The Secret, is not a new experiment. It is not something that is untried. For centuries, sages have been studying and utilizing the power of...
The Challenge Of Death And Dying: Caring For ...
The Challenge Of Death And Dying: Caring For Aging Parents
The process of dying is one of the great stages of learning of the human soul, often met with fear and resistance, yet even in the presence of these, filled with the growth of the soul in its appreciation of its relationship to...
Law Of Attraction: Expect What You Want
One of the most important steps in consciously using the Law of Attraction is learning to change our expectations. Why? Because the Universe delivers exactly what we expect to see. Our expectations are formed on the foundation of our existing beliefs.
If we believe ourselves to be...
Law Of Attraction
Everyones been talking about it heck, you are reading about it right here. What are they talking about? This phenomenon we call the Law of Attraction.
People always seem to ask the same question, does it really work? The answer YES!
Absolutely, unquestionably, and eventually it...
The Cause Of Panic Attacks
Often panic attacks occur for no apparent reason. Their causes are shrouded in mystery. They can strike unexpectedly, suddenly, spontaneously.
That said, panic attacks tend to occur when your are under stress. They can also crop up when you are about to face a situation that you are...
Last Word
Lets face it sometimes work stinks and life can be hard!
Unless, of course, you love what you do.
Wouldnt it be great to have passion toward your life and career and make a positive impact on the world in which you live?
People just like you, who want more out of their...