Quitting smoking is a huge undertaking. While your body rids itself of the physical nicotine addiction, your mind has to cut the mental stronghold that cigarettes have over you. Many smokers wish that they could just wave a magic wand and make the habit disappear for good. Maybe they...
The Butterfly Effect: Why Everything You Do ...
Chaos theory, a recent groundbreaking theory in applied mathematics, asserts that even a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas can cause a chain of events leading to a typhoon in Japan a month later. It’s called “sensitive dependence on initial conditions”. What that means in...
The Buddha’s Guidelines To Proper ...
Abandoning false, malicious, harsh and idle speech
“Abandoning false speech, he abstains from false speech; he speaks truth, adheres to truth, is trustworthy and reliable, one who is no deceiver of the world.
Abandoning malicious speech, he abstains from malicious speech; he...
Land On Your Feet. Every Time.
We always exist in a state of grace. Grace is our benevolence of heart, and our generosity of spirit. Grace is unconditional love and the beauty that is our humanity. When we know that we are blessed with grace, we can’t help but want to live our lives in grace …grace is a permanent...
The Boomerang Effect – What Are The ...
The Boomerang Effect – What Are The Causes And Effects Of Procrastination?
The universal law of cause and effect is visible everywhere. The effects, or the evidence, is mostly what we can see and what we experience, while the cause is often more far reaching and indirect....
Lack Of Time! Perception or Reality
One day you’re going to college, studying and having fun; the next thing you know youre working long hours, eating on the run, rushing home to take care of your kids or your spouse/significant other. Where does the time go? Managing time means more than managing your life against the...
The Blessing Of The Present Moment
At each moment in our daily lives, we have an unprecedented opportunity. Generations before us did not have this blessing of spiritual awareness that is available today. Humanity as a whole is awakening, and we are actively participating in this process even if we are not consciously aware of...
Knowledge Learning: Why You Should Learn ...
I am a proud lifelong learner and am married to one. I am descended from a long line of lifelong learners and hope that I am raising another generation as well. As a lifelong learner, I am a bit confused by people who think learning is something you should be able to finish off at the age of 18...
The Birth Of I.M. Heart
I.M. Heart came as a soft whisper one morning as I was barely awake. It was one of those whispers that you think you’ve dreamt about and yet the word hangs in your semi-consciousness. It’s as if a messenger is trying to tell you, “Come on, it’s important for you to...
Knowing your potential business customers.
Knowing who your potential customers are is the most important first step in Dallas search engine optimization. One of the best things is to try to determine what your potential customers will likely search for that will result in them finding you. Once you have determined this, you will be able...
The Best Way To Handle Post Traumatic ...
The Best Way To Handle Post Traumatic Stress: How To Handle Sudden Shock And Loss
What Causes Post Traumatic Syndrome On
We all feel that the world is stable and secure, that sudden change and loss will not happen, at least not to those or us we know. When the world as we know it...
“Knowing” Prosperity
One of the more challenging aspects of learning how to attract prosperity is the ability to “know” you’re prosperous – even when you don’t yet feel like you are!
When your outer circumstances keep reflecting the illusion of lack, it’s easy to get...