Know Why You Want What You Think You Want

A new year is upon us. A fresh beginning. Twelve whole months to achieve this, become that, and acquire the other. Whatever your goals or resolutions are for 2007, be they overwhelmingly gigantic, or very reasonably attainable, the secret to achieving them is to take consistent steps in the...

Time Management 867 Words

The Benefits Of Time Management

The benefits of time management go much farther then just being more effective at getting your work done. With proper time management one can begin to be proactive and work toward achieving their goals rather then being reactive. People who follow through on the goals that they set for...

Time Management 397 Words

The Benefits Of Having A Personal Coach

If you have been watching the news, reading magazines, or even overhearing conversations while in line at the post office or grocery store, you may have heard about something called a personal coach. More and more people are turning to personal coaches each day; if you have ever wondered what...

Time Management 509 Words

Know The Negative Effects Of Smoking And ...

Know The Negative Effects Of Smoking And Help A Friend

It always is a wonder to me how people find smoking fascinating. I always thought it was more than that. There are reasons that people throw at me and some of them, no matter how sensible they think it is; doesn’t seem to appeal...

Time Management 369 Words

The Beginners Guide To Meditation Exercises

Is the daily stress or the permanent problems you have at work or at home getting to you, affecting your life, health and happiness? Then it is about time to consider some meditation exercises. Here are the basic things you need to know!

Why Should I Consider Meditation...

Time Management 621 Words

Killer On The Loose

What dreams, goals, or desires do you have that are always being put off for some reason or another?

I was at a meeting the other day where a good friend of mine gave a presentation about some things they have been doing in their local community which are having a great...

Time Management 616 Words

The Beauty Of Learning French

There are many things a person can learn in his entire lifespan and among many things is learning foreign languages. Other than a persons native language, learning a new one wouldnt be too difficult although people may encounter problems and difficulties on the process of memorization and...

Time Management 446 Words

The Basics Of Feminization Hypnosis

There are a lot of things that can be achieved through the power of hypnosis. Over the years, hypnosis helped a number of people to stop smoking, lose weight and even fight off certain kinds of health conditions. Today, the technique of hypnosis is helping transgender, transvestite and...

Time Management 424 Words

Kick That Habit Once And For All

In this article I am going to list ten ways in which hypnotherapy can be an effective means for empowering people to stop smoking in a natural way. If you are considering hypnotherapy to stop smoking or weighing up the pros and cons of other methods, then this article may provide you with more...

Time Management 580 Words

The Art Of Public Speaking – Overcome ...

One of the touchstones to success is powerful public speaking. If you have the ability to speak in front of a great crowd of people, then many people already consider you as someone who is on his way to the top. Skills in public speaking could undeniably bring anyone to the heights of his career...

Time Management 529 Words

Keeping Your Mind And Brain Healthy

Mental activity can keep your mind sharp. Continue to learn and challenge yourself and your brain continues to grow.

Review the following tips to help challenge your brain to continual growth:

Learn to play a musical instrument
Play scrabble or do crossword puzzles

Time Management 575 Words

The Art Of Daydreaming

When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience before her and enters into her own image.
~ Meister Eckhart ~

Do you have any idea what you think about all day? It sounds like a silly question, but most of us dont actually observe the drama thats...

Time Management 548 Words