Improve Your Concentration A More Focused ...

Improve Your Concentration A More Focused You Is A More Successful You

Everyone knows that concentration is paramount to succeeding in what you want, so obviously, learning how to concentrate is an essential skill. To succeed, you need to concentrate solely on the task in...

Time Management 360 Words

Student Motivation: Inspiring The Future

One of the most important aspects of a teacher’s job is to motivate students. In order for a student to be motivated, he or she must possess a desire to learn and be willing to aim this desire toward achieving academic goals. For successful student motivation to occur, a student must want...

Time Management 741 Words

Improve Your Communication Skills, Become A ...

Listening, often overlooked, is a vital aspect of the human communication process. While speaking is often practiced and emphasized by many, the art of listening isn’t one on which we find people spending much effort. In actuality, listening is easy and can be improved by following just a...

Time Management 780 Words


Lessons From a Prison Visit

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a...

Time Management 1352 Words

Stuck In Life? Stop Asking This Question

“Why?” seems like a good question, doesn’t it? I certainly used to think so. I’ve asked “Why?” often in my life so I must have thought it was a good question. Or maybe I never had thought about it or noticed what happened when I asked that particular...

Time Management 939 Words

Impress Them With Your Killer Attitudes

3 Tips For Developing That Winning Attitude

What is success? The answer depends on whos responding to the question. There are as many definitions of success as there are people. Success involves every facet of life: your relationships with others, your ability to make it in the business...

Time Management 466 Words

Stress-Free Living

This month I want to talk about stress-free living. Summer shouldn’t be the only time we slow down and smell the roses. Why not make it a lifestyle? How do we do that? Let me suggest four important keys that just might help:

1. Keep it simple!

Our lives are just far too busy...

Time Management 529 Words

Stress Relieving: The Rat Race Its Your ...

Stress is a major contributing factor to many illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Increasing your blood pressure through stress can cause your heart to work harder, possibly leading to a potential heart attack or stroke. With todays corporate culture it is no...

Time Management 433 Words

Impotence – Erectile Dysfunction ...

Considered to be a medical condition, impotence or erectile dysfunction is characterized by the inability of the male organ to become fully erect. About 50 percent of the entire male population has experienced it. Often embarrassing, this condition can be treated if the cause is determined....

Time Management 403 Words

Stress Relieving: Getting To The Root Of ...

Stress is an everyday problem that can be extremely taxing to people. Whether it comes as the result of a devastating event or just the constant things that make life difficult, stress is just as bad. Many people just pass stress off as a temporary thing that will go away with time. The problem...

Time Management 402 Words

Stress Relief Techniques For A Preschool ...

Stress Relief Techniques For A Preschool Child Part Two

In the first part of this two-part article, we discussed, from my viewpoint as career educator of more than 30 years, the fact that preschools and families are increasing stress on preschool children. To clarify, we worked through a...

Time Management 682 Words

Importance Of Setting Limits For Yourself

Every once in a while we find ourselves in a situation that goes beyond the limits we would like to set. It may be something as simple as not being able to say no to a neighbor who wants to borrow your car, and maybe the car is returned late which in turn causes you to get delayed going to work....

Time Management 543 Words