Stress Is The Part Of Life

Stress, in the negative sense, is the root cause of all problems.

Stress, in the positive sense, is the galvanizing force for all creative and constructive activities.

Stress relief has to be achieved– it is both art and science!

When you manage the stress, the...

Time Management 424 Words

I Like Greeting Cards What About You?

Thats right I love receiving greeting cards! It doesnt matter what time of year, whether its a holiday, my birthday, or just because, I like receiving greeting cards. You know I think what I like most is how greetings cards make you feel. A greeting card can really make you feel special or lift...

Time Management 450 Words

Stress In The Workplace How To Cope With It

Stress In The Workplace How To Cope With It

Most of us readily acknowledge that stress is an inescapable part of life in our modern society. Its in the home, the schools, and the workplace.

Workplace stress management is becoming a buzz word of sorts, as more companies seek ways...

Time Management 978 Words

I Just Dont Have Enough Time – The ...

I Just Dont Have Enough Time – The Science of Homeostasis Says You Do

Homeostasis is a relatively new and obscure science. It is the study of the effect of time on man and on other living creatures. It is also the study of our perception and response to time. Some of the latest...

Time Management 730 Words

Stress In The Work Place: Active Tips To ...

Stress In The Work Place: Active Tips To Avoid Burnout

Stress in the workplace is a growing problem. Time and time again, hard-working employees hit the wall and lose all ability to perform. These employees show few outward signals prior to collapsing, as they want to impress and succeed....

Time Management 417 Words

I Am “At Cause” For Everything ...

I Am “At Cause” For Everything That Happens In My Life

Its an uncanny phenomenon but its true: The Universe has a way of supporting those who get crystal clear on what they want and then wholeheartedly go after it.

It may be a challenging concept to wrap the mind...

Time Management 506 Words

Stress- How Time Managment Causes Stress?

For last few decades, every author or speaker on management and self-help has said something about time management. Allocate time, analyze the work pattern, list out the priorities and assign time limits. After all time is life, and one must try to get maximum out of time.

What every one...

Time Management 435 Words

Hypnotism Techniques

Hypnotism is a temporary trance-like state of extreme concentration. It is induced by the person known as a hypnotist. His suggestions are immediately accepted by the subject. Hypnotism is the scientific use of hypnosis. And some professionals use hypnotism to treat the patients having certain...

Time Management 536 Words

Stress Eliminating Affirmations

Our thoughts create our reality. Here are some Affirmations which create a more positive, happier more fulfilling reality.

A. About Ability and Security

1. Anxiety solves no problems actions do.

2. Some problems are problems only because I believe them to be.

3. I...

Time Management 512 Words

Stress Ball To The Rescue

There’s nothing like squeezing or smooshing something when you’re stressed. A stress ball is just the answer! If you’ve ever seen a stress ball, you know what they are. If you haven’t, a stress ball is a round ball or object, usually smaller than a tennis ball that is...

Time Management 526 Words

Hypnotism Help

Hypnosis is a therapy that can be used to improve the concentration levels and thereby achieving your goals and ambitions in life. Hypnosis helps to increase the self confidence and self esteem.

If you have got more good traits but you are shy to express anything then you certainly need...

Time Management 545 Words

Stress And Social Anxiety

One of the major symptoms associated with social anxiety is stress. Stress works two ways – the social anxiety can cause it, and the stress can intensify the social anxiety. Stress can be a big problem, because it leads to other health related problems, such as high blood pressure or heart...

Time Management 490 Words