Self Empowerment Comes From Obeying ...

Abraham Lincoln was a man that found himself smack dab in the middle of a fight he didnt want nor create. But it was a fight he could not run away from; for it was a fight concerning a universal principle on which he should have remained inflexible. That principle was, that men and women are all...

Time Management 749 Words

What You Didn’t Know About Getting ...

Here’s A Fast-Acting Visualization Exercise For Attracting Abundance

Set quality time when you can be uninterrupted for at least an hour, to concentrate your attention on defining your dreams. Sit down with your Dream List in a comfortable, quiet place to start visualizing your...

Time Management 597 Words

Break Your Cigarette Smoking Habit The Easy ...

Break Your Cigarette Smoking Habit The Easy Way With Hypnosis

Quitting smoking really is a necessity at this point in history, because smoking cigarettes has been banned from restaurants and other public places. And in fact, it is definitely the intelligent thing to do for more reasons...

Time Management 905 Words

Break All Rules Today…


This is what John told me yesterday.

Rule No 1: There are no rules.

Rule No 2: If there are rules break them.

Rule No 3: Before you break the rules make sure you know all the rules.

I asked John How many years does it take to know all the rules. And he said ...

Time Management 538 Words

Self Defence 10: The Intruder In Your ...

Horror of Horrors! You wake up and there he is! In your Bedroom!

A small latch is fitted which would make a noise to wake you if the bedroom door was forced, but would allow emergency aid to easily shove it open. But tonight of all nights you forget both to latch it and to set the house...

Time Management 348 Words

Brainwave Meditation – The New Way Of ...

Meditation has been practiced since ancient times, but today, in the busy and dynamic, even agitated modern world, meditation or taking time for ourselves is almost a must. And since more and more people are interested to benefit from the positive effects of relaxation and meditation, scientists...

Time Management 505 Words

Self Defence 9: Footwork

Vital for some but a Liability for You!

Important for YOUR success but leading to YOUR defeat!

Slide your feet and demolish him slide your feet and get kicked in the belly!

Move to your Left, WHACK! him Move to your Right, be whacked yourself!

Move about be...

Time Management 581 Words

What You Can Learn About Personal ...

If you are as busy as most business people today, you dont have much time to run from seminar to seminar, listening to personal development coaches. However, you still realize the benefits from using the information available from a personal development expert. With everyone being as busy as...

Time Management 442 Words

Self Defence 8: Curdle His Blood!

Tyson, my dog, is a powerful Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tremendously strong, huge jaws and a tremendous bite. Which I know to my cost when he misses his rope tug-of-war and accidentally catches me instead!

The only thing which subdues him is a sharp command from my wife. And down he...

Time Management 503 Words

Boundaries And Addictions

Many of us have experienced difficult relationships with someone or with several people who have been addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or some other unhealthy pursuit. How might we deal with these difficult relationships, recognize them early, and prevent such relationships in the...

Time Management 523 Words

What You Always Wanted To Know About Dreams ...

What You Always Wanted To Know About Dreams And Their Meanings

Every dreamer has asked questions about why we dream, and what those dreams mean. While every dream is unique to the person who dreams it, the world of dream interpretation is a rich, fascinating and exciting one. We have...

Time Management 636 Words

What Would You Do If You Don’t Have To ...

What Would You Do If You Don’t Have To Work?

Are you fed up with your work, don’t have any fun doing it? You wish you had more freedom to do what you want? That’s because you are compromising your potential and seducing yourself to a working machine, a robot. But...

Time Management 512 Words