Self Defence 7: Isometric Exercise And Brime

Exercise without moving as muscle? Yes, of course. A tried and tested system perhaps not to turn yourself into a man or woman of steel, but nevertheless an accepted and documented way of reviving much of your younger days tuning.

There are many and varied training methods. When I worked...

Time Management 1301 Words

Born To Be An Optimist?

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty
Winston Churchill

An optimist, when faced with a problem, tends to find the upside to the situation and starts figuring out ways to solve that problem, or ways to turn it...

Time Management 802 Words

Self Defence 6: The Mandatory Warning

You are walking along when you see a suspicious looking character coming towards you. You adjust the hold on your umbrella or walking stick and prepare to defend yourself.

Aware of the need to protect yourself, as he approaches you suddenly hit out and break his...

Time Management 399 Words

Self Defence 5: Protect Yourself And Your Dog

We read so much about pet owners being attacked, raped and murdered when walking their dog in the park or wherever..

Now, rightly or wrongly, I consider my first duty is to Tyson, my dog.

1. I make sure his collar is such that I can slide it off in an instant, freeing him and...

Time Management 325 Words

What Would Save You Time?

We all get overwhelmed from time to time, and sometimes it seems as if 24 hours a day is just not enough to get everything accomplished that we would like. Let’s consider this a brainstorming session. Start creating a list of everyday tasks that, if you didn’t have to do them, would...

Time Management 382 Words

Boost Your Self-Confidence: 9 Easy Hints

Whether you are looking for a new job or going on a first date, one of the most important characteristics that will stand you in good stead is your self-confidence. Increase your self-confidence with these tactics to help you through interviews, meetings, and more.

1. Stop saying...

Time Management 889 Words

Self Defence 4 Which Martial Art?

You are elderly and unfit. And very concerned at the risk you face when walking our streets and parks.

Worried about mugging. Frightened about rape. Scared of yobs. You want to learn how to give yourself a better than even chance of survival.

You have decided to join a self defence...

Time Management 529 Words

Self Defence 3: Autogenic Training

The Power of Your Mind!

Use it! But how?

Autogenic Training [AT] can have a significant part to play.

Consisting of a MindBody set of some six standard exercises, where one addresses various body functions seeking to regulate them into a more in tune automatic response state...

Time Management 549 Words

What To Look For In An NLP And Hypnotherapy ...

What To Look For In An NLP And Hypnotherapy Training Provider

NLP and Hypnotherapy are big news. More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of mastering the power of their own minds. Lets face it, there are infinite possibilities available to us in our lives and the more we...

Time Management 642 Words

Boost Your Self Esteem

Many people view high self-esteem as a golden carrot, an unattainable goal, something that belongs to a charmed few. In reality, everyone can and should enjoy healthy confidence.

You have positive attributes, special talents and unique personalities, but these good points can be clouded...

Time Management 377 Words

Self Defence 2: Life Style Exercise

I want to stay alive!

Do you?

Mugging! Rape! Hooligans! Yobs!

Cholesterol! Circulation! Diabetes! Progressive Joint stiffness! Family genetic factors!

You name it!

Few diseases of developing age can be prevented.

But many so many indeed can be modified...

Time Management 485 Words

What To Look For In An NLP And Hypnotherapy ...

What To Look For In An NLP And Hypnotherapy Trainer

NLP and Hypnotherapy are fast growing must-have skills these days. However, in a market where practically anyone can call themselves a practitioner, how do you know that the company or individual training you, is professionally qualified...

Time Management 628 Words