Tips For Living Successfully With ADD / ADHD


Yes, I know we all hate structure. If the world was perfect place we would not need it. It may be one of the most important things to help us survive in this non-ADD world. We also need the correct amount of structure in our lives. Too much makes us rebel or feel trapped. When...

Time Management 538 Words

Painlessly Overcome Procrastination, ...

When procrastination nags at you, you need some way to convince yourself to get moving right now. Try these five steps when youre delaying on a consequential project:

1. Articulate what exactly you are doing or not doing, in place of the label...

Time Management 309 Words

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational ...

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 48 )

Just as every action that emanates from us comes back to us as reaction,even so our actions may act on other people and theirs on us. Perhaps all of you have observed it as a fact that when persons do evil actions, they become...

Time Management 315 Words

Tips For Hair Loss Help

Hair loss is usually a traumatic experience for someone who values a full head of hair. A number of different psychology elements are at play here. These range from coping with a noticeable change in appearance, dealing with the aging process, and handling self image issues due to the loss of...

Time Management 449 Words

Paddle Fabrication On The Brown And Stinky ...

Weve all been there. Nothing in our sights but nasty threats, impatiently waiting challenges, bad smelling dooms, and impossibly ugly situations. I am referring to the feeling of helplessly sailing into a paralyzing cacophony of menacing boogie-men and purple meanies just ready to pounce. There...

Time Management 674 Words

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational ...

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 47 )

This world is like a dog’s curly tail, and people have been striving to straighten it out for hundreds of years; but when they let it go, it has curled up again. How could it be otherwise? One must first know how to work...

Time Management 553 Words

Pacing And Leading

Pacing involves establishing rapport and making persuasive communication easier; leading involves steering your prospect toward your point of view. Pacing and leading will enable you to direct a person’s thoughts so they tend to move in your direction.

When you pace, you validate...

Time Management 320 Words

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Everybody suffers from anxiety at some point or anther. Anxiety is just a normal part of everyday life. It can actually be a useful emotion in helping us to cope with stressful situations. Other times, anxiety can be out of control and interfere with our ability to function normally in stressful...

Time Management 575 Words

Age New Spirituality Inspirational Stories ...

Age New Spirituality Inspirational Stories ( Part 88 )

Similarly, we find in regard to ourselves that our tendencies are the result of past conscious actions. A child is born with certain tendencies. Whence do they come? No child is born with a tabula rasa — with a clean,blank...

Time Management 359 Words

Tips For Curing Insomnia

Throughout our lifetime it is surely inevitable that we will each battle with insomnia at one time or another. Insomnia the ability to fall asleep or stay asleep can have disastrous ramifications; ongoing sleep deprivation can interfere with daily life making us unable to concentrate and even...

Time Management 358 Words

Overcoming Our Fear Helps Us Live Our Lives ...

Overcoming Our Fear Helps Us Live Our Lives More Fully!

Most of us are filled with fear of one kind or another: fear of change, fear of success, or fear of failure. We fear making mistakes, being alone, ending relationships or starting new ones. Many individuals fear aging, rejection,...

Time Management 438 Words

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational ...

Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 42 )

Then there is the most universal of all symbols, the Swastika (pictured). At one time it was thought that the Buddhists carried it all over the world with them, but it has been found out that ages before Buddhism it was used...

Time Management 333 Words