It is a vicious cycle because tinnitus causes stress and anxiety and is also worsened by stress and anxiety. Worrying over the tinnitus can cause it to become worse. Lack of sleep due to ringing in the ears leads to fatigue which makes the ear ringing worse. These are just some of the mental and...
Overcoming Nerves – In Public Speaking ...
Overcoming Nerves – In Public Speaking And Entertaining – Part 1
Many people often assume that those of us who stand up to perform or take part in any form of public speaking are not troubled by nerves and that their own attempts would only be doomed to failure because of...
Timing In Goal-Setting
When most of us set goals, we hold an expectation that everything will work out as planned. We have this picture in our minds of a smooth process from start to finish, easily achieving our goals without a hitch. This is especially true when it comes to the timing of our desired...
Overcoming Fear Of Public Speaking
Fear of public speaking is a very common form of social anxiety. Fear of public speaking has often been called the ‘Greatest Anxiety,’ due to the large number of people who actually experience this fear. Fear of public speaking doesn’t just mean that you have a fear of making a...
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational ...
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 41 )
Before considering further how devotion to duty helps us in our spiritual progress, let me place before you in a brief compass another aspect of what we in India mean by Karma. In every religion there are three parts:...
Timeless Marketing Truth: When Headlines ...
Timeless Marketing Truth: When Headlines Really Draw, Who Needs Pictures?
A great title is a work of genius, said E. Haldeman-Julius in the 1920s.
Haldeman-Julius sold 200 million (really) of his Little Blue Books. His headlines were his product, because he sold his books by the...
Timeless Marketing Truth: What Is ...
Your first clue to the truth about advertising was written more than 100 years ago.
Let me tell you the story of a young, confident copywriter by the name of John E. Kennedy. Early one May evening in 1904, Kennedy, a former Canadian Mountie, sat in a New York barroom.
He sent a...
After Dinner Speaking, Hero Or Coward?
During my time as Chairman of Forum, the Public Speaking Group of the Australian Institute of Management, I have often been asked about speaking after dinner.
Before I discuss this opportunity, I want you to think back to a time when you were at a dinner event and the speaker came...
Overcoming Compulsive Spending
Compulsive spending is a major problem that can be caused by any number of psychological issues. Though it might not seem like a big deal to most people, controlling spending is a major issue for others. When spending goes wild, folks can damage their bank accounts, their careers, and their...
Affect Change With The Help Of Personal ...
While personal development programs are often discussed, they are sadly misunderstood by most. Frequently they are considered to be a kind of course or retreat that focuses on the development of a personal trait of character to the exclusion of anything else. Conversely, others believe them to...
Timeless Marketing Truth: The Unchanging ...
Timeless Marketing Truth: The Unchanging Truth About Selling Fickle People.
What we want changes overnight; what makes us want it hasnt changed in thousands of years, nor will it change in thousands more. The serious student of marketing can learn much from early analysts of motivation....
Overcoming All Types Of Jealousy
Time has flown by so fast and many things have changed. Lives of people have become so fast-paced that somehow things like love and happiness have taken a backseat to career, business or money. Communications are centered not on how to foster relationships but on how to make the money tree...