There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the reasons why addictions occur. Some believe that substances in themselves are not addictive, that it is the bodies chemical reaction to the substance to which the individual is addicted. This claim could certainly seem plausible when...
Adult Dyslexia Test – Are You In The ...
Adult Dyslexia Test – Are You In The 95% That Need It And Don’t Know?
Dyslexia affects as many as 1 out of 10 people. 90-95% of adult dyslexics don’t know that their problems with learning are caused by dyslexia. Not knowing, they suffer from social stigma, low self...
Timeless Marketing Truth: How To Add ...
Timeless Marketing Truth: How To Add Character To Your Marketing And Bring Your Message Alive
Making a character out of the advertiser brings the message alive. Maxwell Sackheim is most famous for inventing the Book-of-the-Month Club. But before that, he invented some dramatic, and...
Adult Bedwetting: Facing A Closet Issue
About one in every 10 five-year-olds experience bed wetting. This is why bed wetting in young children is an acknowledged and accepted condition, similar to experiencing measles. That is, children develop immunity from measles and they eventually outgrow bedwetting.
Bed wetting in older...
Timeless Marketing Truth: How Do You Know ...
Timeless Marketing Truth: How Do You Know Your Advertising Copywriting Is Good?
There’s only one way to know if your advertising copy is any good. It’s the same way that your customer knows itit sells!
We are not all born copywriters, but we are all born customers. As...
Adult Autism: Growing Old With Autism
For many people adult autism is just the way of life. They have to endure living with this disorder, which can be very difficult because they can’t function as normal people can function. For some people, they have learned to accept this disorder and live with it, but what makes it really...
Overcome Your Winter Depression
In North America, it is estimated that 50 to 60 percent of the population is affected by winter depression. There is a broad spectrum of symptoms that arise, from a change in sleep patterns and weight gain, to overwhelming suicidal thoughts and the unfortunate results. This means about half of...
Time Mangement, The Ultimate ...
Complimentary English lesson of the day! What is an oxymoron?
oxymoron- as defined at Noun : conjoining contradictory terms (as in “deafening silence”)
Can silence be deafening??? Can time be managed???
I can’t think of a program that I have...
Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking
Ever had butterflies in your stomach, that dizzy and nauseous feeling when asked to speak to a group of people?
Even days before, you seem somewhat uncontrollable and disoriented. And when you get to the rostrum or stage, you just want the floor to swallow you up? That feeling that gives...
Adult Add And Women
Because girls with attention deficit don’t usually have the hyperactivity component that accompanies ADD, they’re thought of as being “emotional” or “difficult.” When they do have the hyperactivity factored in, then people call them tomboys or think of them as...
Overcome The #1 Goal Setting Barrier
I’m sure you, like me, are bombarded with emails, conversations and thoughts about goal setting, particularly each new year. If I had a nickel for each email I’ve received since Jan 1st that talked about goal setting, I’d be a rich woman! Yet, have I set my goals down on paper...
Time Management Working to Succeed
Time management is the process of working to succeed. When we are working to succeed, we are reaching our goals. Sometimes it is difficult when time are constantly changing and problems get in our way, so it is important to decide which plan works for you as well as understanding that life has...