Time Management Is Must To Save You Of Lots ...

Time Management Is Must To Save You Of Lots Of Future Stress

In the highest flights of their meditation, the realized souls proclaimed, Kalaya Tasmaiah Namah! meaning thereby, Time, please accept our salutations!

Time is all time great! It is fleeting! You can never catch...

Time Management 380 Words

Adult Add: Get Chunking!

Prioritization is one of the things thats totally abhorred by people with ADD. Logical, linear-thinking people have no problem when they sit down to write out the steps to a project—the first thing you do is step one, then two, then three. And linear thinking people have no problem with...

Time Management 803 Words

Time Management for High School Students

High school student are one of the busiest people in the world. This people study, takes classes, join school activities, and socialize. They have a lot of work in school and at home.

Being organized is essential in high school students. If you are a high school student, it may seem like...

Time Management 756 Words

One Degree Between Success And Failure

Whats the difference between success and failure?

One Degree!

Have you ever seen Tiger Woods play golf?

Tiger Woods knows the importance of one degree. Why?

Well, think about this for a moment.

Whats the difference between Tiger hitting a perfect straight shot...

Time Management 537 Words

Adult Add: Eat To Live

Being healthy isn’t easy, and if you have adult ADD, you may be skipping over this part entirely. You probably forget to eat meals and just grab whatever candy bar or fast food snack is at hand. You need to remember one thing, though. If you don’t eat, you die. Its’ as simple...

Time Management 544 Words

On Your Bike The Route To Success

One of the biggest reasons that I love my job is that it gives me so much time to develop myself personally. Each and every day I set about learning new skills and challenging old limiting beliefs about what I can and cant do! Many of my clients think that because of the job that I do, that I am...

Time Management 417 Words

Adult ADD: Control Your Outer Limits

ADD folks have a lot of great things going for them. They’re creative, highly intelligent and intuitive, as well. But ADD also makes you sensitive, and you may not be able to show your emotions, especially if you’re a man. Certain emotions aren’t proper in society, and it...

Time Management 513 Words

Time Management For Distance Learning

As a busy professional, it is vitally important to manage your time. There are some broad principles, approaches, that you need to learn and apply. The first is to take the view that your time is precious, and should not be wasted. By the way, relaxation time, leisure time, relationship time is...

Time Management 1303 Words

On Resolutions

The New Year is almost here and, for some of us, our thoughts turn to making changes in our lives and the inevitable New Years resolution. While it is understandable that we establish resolutions, I dont recommend them for 2 main reasons:

1. Waiting for an event like the New Year means...

Time Management 608 Words

Adult ADD: Are You A “Fire” ...

In business, we refer to the word “fires,” a lot of times. These are fires that happen, not literal fires, but things that need to be taken care of. A fire could anything that someone else thinks is really important and they come to you, and try to throw it on you as your problem...

Time Management 680 Words

On Greatness

Its a long way from mediocrity to excellence. So common sense would seem to indicate that its just as long a road from excellence to greatness. But I believe that greatness is an entirely different road that bypasses both mediocrity and excellence. Greatness is no closer to excellence than it is...

Time Management 585 Words

Adult ADD : Replace Bad Habits With Good Ones

When you were a teenager, your friends maybe started smoking, and all of them want you to smoke with them. They make fun of you because you don’t want to smoke, and they’re generally giving you a hard time. Every day. Some kids resist, but others may cave in to the peer pressure....

Time Management 849 Words