Time Management For Begginers

Time management is the most important asset one can have these days, with the collapse of traditional values any person can find himself running a few, parallel different lives all at once. I am sure you are not a stranger to this situation, you have too much you need to do, you do not have the...

Time Management 552 Words

Addressing Anger Management For Kids In ...

It can be easy to loose your patience when dealing with an especially unruly or angry child, but in doing so you are really just reinforcing the child’s angry behavior. You can use some fun ways to get the child to see the excessive nature of their own anger, instead of reacting with...

Time Management 457 Words

Oily Skin: How You Get It

Oily skin is a phenomenon that tens of thousands of different people living in the world are familiar with and probably hundreds of thousands more might not even realize they have. If you have oily skin, then there are a number of ways that it can be treated but before you treat it, figuring...

Time Management 616 Words

Time Management: Where Does Our Time Go?

Time management is a big concern for a lot of people. I keep hearing, There are just not enough hours in the day or Where does my time go? Face it we all live busy lives. Work, family, and other commitments keep us all hopping. To utilize better time management, its important to recognize what...

Time Management 695 Words

Of Course You Have Skills And Talents You ...

Of Course You Have Skills And Talents You Can Use In Retirement!

I can’t tell you how often I hear people who are contemplating retirement say, “but I don’t know how to do anything except my job.” Baloney! You have skills and you have talents. You might have buried...

Time Management 564 Words

Addiction To Venting

“I was up too late with my friend Peg last night,” Abigail told me in our phone session. “She was needing to vent. Then I had a problem falling asleep, but at least I was there for her.”

“How often does this happen?” I asked her.


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Time Management – Time Is Money

Working 14 hour days trying to figure out how to develop and launch a new product or service is not uncommon for most internet marketing professionals. But do you really understand the value of your time? I did not!

Ask any part-time employee and they will tell you their time is worth...

Time Management 372 Words

Numerology Readings: Shocking Secrets For ...

In this article we’ll touch on the basics of what Numerology is, an opinion of where it originated (there are many theories), and the probability that it’s secrets and insights can improve your life as early as today.

For thousands of years, Numerology has been a popular, if...

Time Management 503 Words

Addiction To Numbness

Linda sat opposite me at one of my five-day Inner Bonding Intensives. She had decided to attend the Intensive because her depression, which had plagued her for years, was not being helped by medication or by the numerous forms of therapy that she had tried.

As she sat opposite me,...

Time Management 643 Words

Time Management – Paretos Law

Time management is an efficient tool of performing the tasks within a given time limit. In this context, Vilfredo Pareto found a law i.e., 80-20 law.

The law can find its roots in the year 1906. Pareto was working on finding the explanation to the economic disparities in the...

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Time Management – Feel Like Scrambled ...

Some days I feel like a plate of scrambled eggs. All messed up and with the strange feeling that despite my best efforts nothing really got accomplished. I felt like time was not on my side at all. Despite working 14 hours a day I was making very little money and was exhausted.

I needed...

Time Management 459 Words

“Now-ness”. The Zen State Of Mind

“Now-ness” is the state of ideal attention. That is, it is a state of being where all that exists is the present moment, without any thought of past or future. It is paying total attention to what you are doing in the moment that you are doing it. If you are eating for example, just...

Time Management 336 Words