Know Yourself Before Dating

Dating is a beautiful way to find a partner. Dating gives us an opportunity to know our prospective partner better and vice versa. With dating, we can decide if we are made for each other? If we succeed in taking a proper decision we will have a smooth life ahead that will have no pot holes on...

Dating 394 Words

Real Conservative Dont Drink Lattes, Or Do ...

If Barry Goldwater were alive today to witness the new transformation of the GOP, he would grow a beard and become a bead vendor on Constitution Avenue in Washington.

While in Indianapolis recently this author noted numerous well dressed business people standing in line waiting to buy...

Politics 984 Words

Has The Internet Made Porn Socially ...

In a world dominated by computers and technology we take a look at what effect the Internet has had on peoples attitude towards sex and pornography.

Pornography and prostitution is nothing new to the world, it has been around for years and years and will carry on to do so, of recent times...

Weddings 919 Words

Harmonious Relationship With Marriage And ...

Harmonious Relationship With Marriage And Family Counselling – You Can Do It!

With many marriages that end up with divorce, there is a great need for troubled couples to undergo marriage counselling even prior to the plan of holding the wedding.

Study shows that in some way,...

Relationships 540 Words

Kissing Tips – Make a Kiss More ...

Kissing is something that most couples do. Kissing well and with passion, however, is far less common. All too often, people fall into boring ruts and monotonous techniques that make kissing an undesirable prelude of more exciting activities to come. This is especially true for couples who have...

Dating 261 Words

What Real Love Is

We are surrounded daily by words. We read them, speak them, hear them, we categorize them, not just by meaning, but implied meaning, good or bad and of course the forbidden four letter words. If you were to count all the forbidden fours you would only have a handful of vulgarities that are...

Religion 603 Words

Seeking Love through Matchmaking for ...

Revival of traditional matchmaking service

Nowadays, communication has never been so fast; meeting people has never been so easy. But more and more people are looking for and using some kind of matchmaking service online or offline.

We all see the revival of the...

Marriage 361 Words

Happy Friendship

How to have happy friends? This is a very important question. Who likes friends who don’t smile and laugh? Who enjoys meeting friends who look serious? Not any one of us.

What about ourselves? Do we make happy friendships? Do we make our friends happy? Before thinking about others,...

Relationships 370 Words

Wedding Bells

So, you have found your soul mate. You are head-over-heels in love, and the time has come. You are getting married! Its a time of excitement, joy, and new beginnings. It can also be a time of pain, sorrow and misery if not planned correctly.

One of the most important details of the...

Weddings 582 Words

Kissing tips, advice

We’ve all had those moments where we were with someone we liked and somewhere on the back of our mind we kept wondering how do we kiss that person? Do we ask them? Do we just go for the kiss? Do we wait? If so, how long?

These questions can be quite discouraging due to not knowing...

Dating 657 Words

Real Campaign Finance Reform

In the US we should be pretty aware that the outcome of our elections are largely influenced by how much money each candidate can raise. Whoever can raise the most money has the most chance of swaying the uninformed ‘swing’ voter, or hiring the best advisor that can dice the polls to...

Politics 1018 Words

Handling The Dreaded “Price ...

Price increases are a fact of life and a subject that strikes fear in the hearts of most sales people. True Masters of Selling understand the dynamics of price increases and how best to deal with them. No silver bullets or magic answers here, but instead solid strategies that will help you deal...

Weddings 956 Words